
What is the key to recruiting a fleet of qualified, dedicated drivers?  


It’s not just about finding the right skill set or filling vacancies quickly. The real secret lies in recognizing and valuing drivers as individuals, not just as leads.  


In an industry where retention and job satisfaction are critical, the importance of treating drivers with respect and understanding cannot be overstated. Keep reading to find out why prioritizing personal connections in the recruitment process is essential for attracting and retaining a strong and committed team of quality drivers, and what strategies can help demonstrate your dedication to every candidate.  


The Impact of Treating Drivers as People 

Most truckers are well experienced in the recruiting process, and they can sense insincere or apathetic marketing tactics from a mile off. Treating drivers like leads, instead of real people, can discourage applicants from continuing through the process and can affect a carrier’s reputation and industry standing.  


Find the best matches for your jobs.  

Treating drivers like people means considering their unique skills, career goals, and job preferences. If you look at candidates simply as leads without any distinct qualities, you run the risk of believing that you can fill any job with any driver.  


The best job matches are made when a driver’s unique experiences and preferences align with what is required of a position. Some drivers may prefer less home time, while others need to be with their families frequently throughout the week. Newer drivers may prefer the most modern model trucks, while seasoned veterans would be more comfortable with classic and reliable models.  


Finding the right driver for each position requires you to get to know the priorities, goals, and preferences of each individual. Your recruiting becomes more precise and accurate when you treat drivers like people. From a driver’s perspective, this approach is beneficial because it meets their needs, making them more likely to be productive and perform at their best. 


Increase retention.  

Treating drivers like people will also help you recruit with more lasting value. When drivers feel appreciated, supported, and listened to, they are more likely to remain in a position long-term.  


With the ongoing driver shortage and industry-wide high turnover rates, fostering loyalty and job satisfaction is crucial. When drivers feel valued, they develop a stronger attachment to their company and are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. 

Carriers can demonstrate this appreciation through concrete actions such as conducting driver engagement surveys to understand their needs and concerns and offering appreciation programs to recognize certain safety and career milestones.  

By consistently showing that they care about their drivers’ well-being and professional growth, carriers can build a more dedicated and stable workforce, enhancing overall operations and success.  


Make recruiting more efficient.  

Recruiters often have limited time and resources to fill numerous open positions. While it may be tempting to quickly contact as many candidates as possible to expedite the hiring process, this approach often results in high turnover within a few months.  


Prioritizing quantity over quality may yield short-term gains, but it won’t attract the best drivers for the job. Treating drivers as individuals rather than leads allows for a more efficient process, as you can concentrate on engaging with top matches, ultimately leading to more enduring and successful hires. 


Focus your energies on qualified, interested drivers and ensure they have a smooth process from recruiting, to onboarding, to their first day behind the wheel. Drivers will appreciate this, as their questions and concerns can be answered quickly and directly, making it easier to assess if the position is the right fit.  


Strategies to Show Drivers Your Commitment  

The best way to demonstrate to drivers that you value them as people, not leads, is to create driver-centric strategies that focus on their well-being and professional growth.  


From the initial marketing to attract potential candidates to orientation and onboarding, these methods will help foster a positive work environment, boost morale, and enhance driver retention. 



  • Offer a Referral Program: Encourage current drivers to refer others, demonstrating your trust in your employees and commitment to building a positive reputation. Referral programs can attract quality candidates who will have an easier time adjusting to company culture and practices.  


  • Establish a Digital Presence and Brand Identity: Use your website and social media to display your company culture, values, and real driver experiences through testimonials. Transparency builds trust with potential recruits, and a recognizable brand identity can attract drivers and differentiate your company from competitors.  


  • Optimize Your Applications: Simplify the application process. Lengthy forms can discourage applicants. Make sure your online application is user-friendly and mobile-responsive, such as including auto-fill features and digital signature capabilities.  



For more advice on recruiting and retaining qualified drivers in today’s competitive market, be sure to check out the rest of our Employer blog posts and connect with us on social media 


Attracting and retaining qualified truck drivers is no easy job.  


With the ongoing driver shortage, post-pandemic influx of new carriers, and continued digitization of the industry, it can seem harder than ever to craft compelling job advertisements that catch the right drivers where they’re at.  


Have you been wondering how to make your advertisements stand out to attract top talent to your team? Keep reading to find out which communication channels you should be using, and what you need to include in every driver job advertisement.  


Meet Drivers Where They’re At 

The first step in creating a successful truck driver advertisement is knowing which communication channels to use. Drivers are a unique target audience, which means it is best to utilize multiple channels with specifically catered messages.  


Audio-based advertisements, such as for radio, are a smart choice for truck drivers who spend long hours on the road. Without the ability to read or look at digital media while driving, radio advertisements are a terrific way to reach truckers at any hour of the day.  


These advertisements should be short and catchy, potentially including a jingle or catchphrase that will stick in a driver’s memory. Radio advertisements are also most effective when they run multiple times throughout the day, reaching drivers with all different schedules.  


Digital media has become the number one way to reach truck drivers looking for employment opportunities, whether by email, online job boards, or social media. Although drivers can’t look at digital media while behind the wheel, mobile-friendly options are a smart choice for reaching drivers on break or after finishing their day.  


Posting advertisements on popular social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram are a surefire way to broaden your scope of potential applicants and make it easier for drivers to remember your message or directly contact recruiters.  


Industry-specific magazines and newsletters remain a popular channel due to their nature as a trusted resource for drivers. Many magazines are widely circulated and have a large base audience, which allows your advertisement to reach a range of drivers.  


Trucking industry magazines and newsletters also often allow companies to include more information than a social media post or radio advertisement, which can help drivers decide if the job seems like the right fit.  


In-person recruiting methods, such as job fairs and trucking industry events, are another tried and true method for meeting drivers where they are at. Many drivers that attend these events are likely to be looking for work or open to learning more about new opportunities, and meeting in person allows for both drivers and recruiters to ask questions and find out more.  


How To Make Your Advertisements Stand Out  

Once you’ve selected the method best suited for your trucking job advertisement, it is critical to make sure your message will connect and resonate with the right drivers.  


Truck drivers are constantly receiving countless messages and advertisements, so you need to find a way to cut through the noise and demonstrate what makes your carrier the right choice. Here are five essential considerations to make for every job advertisement.  


Highlight attractive elements. When crafting an advertisement and job description, keep in mind that drivers are most often wondering “what’s in it for me?” This means it is important to include and highlight job elements most likely to attract drivers, such as competitive pay, full benefits, flexible scheduling, and route choice, and if there are any opportunities for continued training and growth.  


To best highlight specific points, focus on making your advertisements precise and attention-grabbing. Use short sentences and headlines or headings to make information stand out and be easily understood. Bullet points can also be effective in print or in digital media to break up information while still including the necessary details.   


Be honest and straightforward. Although including the positive parts of the job is essential for attracting drivers, potential candidates will also appreciate transparency. Instead of just including promising phrases like ‘great pay’ or ‘time off available,’ use real numbers like pay per mile or average miles driven.  


Authentic imagery and stories can also help support your claims. Instead of using stock photos, consider taking photos of real employees on the job or including driver testimonials. These seem more genuine and will allow applicants to better understand what the company culture is like.  


Make sure the content fits the channel. Because truck driver job advertisements should be posted on a variety of communication channels, the messages will have to differ depending on the context and audience.  


For audio-based advertisements, the goal is to be short and catchy. Drivers should remember something specific after listening, such as the company name or contact information. Print and digital advertisements, however, need to be visually catchy with enough information to attract applicants. These advertisements should also always include a logo to increase brand awareness 


Include a call to action. No matter the channel, every advertisement should clearly include a call to action for the potential candidates, such as the contact information of your hiring/recruiting manager, company webpage or social media, or a digital link to your application.  


Because drivers often have irregular schedules, modern job advertisements should include multiple forms of contact, including phone number, email, and social media.  


Measure effectiveness and engagement. To ensure that your advertisements really do stand out, it is important to continuously review what elements are successful and which could be improved.  


Response rate is a key marker for how well drivers are engaging with your ads. Response rate can be measured by how many potential candidates are following up for more information or applying to the posted position.  


Time to fill is another important metric that shows the duration from posting a job ad to making a hire. A shorter time to fill suggests that the advertisement is effective in quickly attracting qualified candidates, while a longer time might indicate a need for adjustments in your strategy. 




For more advice on recruiting and retaining truck drivers in today’s competitive industry, check out the rest of our Employer Blog posts and follow us on social media 


How to Recruit Gen-Z Drivers Entering the Workforce

The future of the trucking industry will soon be in the hands of drivers who right now might not even be old enough to obtain a CDL.  


Although this could seem worrisome to industry veterans, in a field as dynamic and impactful as transportation and logistics, growth, innovation, and evolution are essential to ensure the continued success of truck drivers and carriers nationwide.  


Recruiting Gen-Z drivers has become key to overcoming ongoing issues plaguing the industry, such as the driver shortage, high turnover rates, and the slow adaptation of advanced technology.  


Keep reading to find out why hiring Gen-Z drivers is becoming increasingly important, and how you can cater your recruiting efforts to appeal to young drivers just entering the workforce.  


First, Understand Gen-Z Priorities 

To attract and retain Gen-Z drivers, recruiters must understand what motivates them.  


In general, Gen-Z refers to anyone born between 1997-2012. This represents about 20% of the US population, and nearly 30% worldwide.  


A group that is large has the potential to greatly impact recruiting practices in every field, so it’s important to recognize their preferences and priorities. More than any generation before, Gen-Z drivers value fair pay, a work/life balance, and opportunities for professional development. They prefer authenticity in messaging and expect to have the chance to provide feedback on company policies.  


Gen-Z drivers are also more likely to ask about safety, company diversity, and further educational opportunities. Considering the priorities and interests of these younger drivers is a key step in tailoring your recruiting efforts and hiring practices to effectively appeal to this growing sector of the workforce.  


Utilize Technology  

The best way to reach out and connect with Gen-Z drivers is through technology. As the definition of a generation raised on the internet, younger candidates will respond better to recruiting strategies that utilize technology, and, when hired, will be able to assist employers in adapting the newest technological solutions.  


From the first touchpoint with Gen-Z candidates, ensure that your hiring process is easily accessible from anywhere and utilizes multiple digital platforms, while remaining personalized and authentic.  


Truck drivers in general are constantly on the move and often only have access to digital information through a smartphone, so applications should be streamlined and easy to fill out. Instead of gathering all the necessary information in the first application, consider shortening the form and instead finding out more information in a follow-up call or email.  


When advertising open positions to Gen-Z candidates, it is important to utilize multiple social media and digital recruiting platforms, such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter. Recruiters should also be available to talk by a wide range of methods throughout the entire process, including by phone call, text message, email, and in-person.  


Gen-Z drivers are more likely to be attracted to carriers advertising the newest technologies, making investing in advanced safety features, digital freight matching, and route optimization software a smart decision in the long run. Besides the innate benefits of technology, Gen-Z drivers will be comfortable using these services and will gravitate towards fleets that prioritize innovation and efficiency. 


Emphasize Education and Training 

Gen-Z drivers strongly value opportunities for growth and development, making it important to offer options to further your driver’s education and training.  


Promote professional growth by offering career pathways and clearly outlining career progression within the company. Emphasize how even the newest recruits can move from entry-level positions to more specialized roles to foster a healthy sense of competition and hard work.  


Gen-Z drivers will also appreciate the chance to develop new skills through continuous learning programs such as industry certifications, workshops, and mentorship opportunities.  


Tuition reimbursement for the costs of CDL school is another benefit that is likely to attract younger drivers. Whether done in full, partially, or incrementally over time, tuition reimbursement has been proven to increase driver retention rates and underscore an employer’s commitment to investing in their drivers’ education.  


Authenticity Counts  

Often considered a more cynical generation than any before, authenticity is essential in recruiting and retaining Gen-Z drivers.  


They know that job postings are available for any qualified candidate, but they still want to feel like the messaging is sincere and targeted. This can be where the importance of brand advertising and a clear brand identity comes to play. By creating a distinct voice and “driver-centric” perspective for your company, you are more likely to connect with all candidates, including those who aren’t even actively seeking a new job.  


From frequent posts on social media to highlight company culture to offering competitive pay and benefits, there are many ways to prove your company as a driver-centric organization that values individual feedback and prioritizes the well-being and growth of its drivers.  


Driver engagement surveys and one-on-one meetings are valuable methods to garner real feedback and assess overall driver satisfaction rates. However, like any feedback method, actual changes must take place based on driver input, or they will feel inauthentic and disingenuous.  


A Sense of Responsibility  

Gen-Z is also known as the generation that most values a sense of responsibility and giving back. Whether it’s concerning the environment or combating workplace inequalities, Gen-Z drivers are more likely to work for and remain at companies that demonstrate a commitment to these issues as well.  


Embracing modern modes of sustainable transportation such as electric vehicles and fleet management software won’t just save your carrier more money and time overall, it will also attract forward-thinking drivers who want to be a part of the future of the transportation industry.  


Gen-Z drivers also value an emphasis on equality and the inclusion of underrepresented communities in the industry. Consider promoting safety training and support systems for female drivers, while encouraging recruiters to diversify their candidate selection pools and implementing inclusive policies that cater to diverse backgrounds and perspectives. 



For more advice on updating your recruiting methods and increasing driver retention rates, be sure to follow us on social media and check out the rest of our Employer Blog posts.  

How to be Proactive During the Driver Shortage

In today’s highly competitive market, transportation companies often face an uphill battle when it comes to recruiting and retaining qualified drivers.  


The ongoing driver shortage has been especially impactful on traditional recruiting methods, amid a post-pandemic oversupply of carriers and record high turnover rates.  


With the American Trucking Associations (ATA) projecting a driver shortage of over 82,000 for 2024, it’s important for carriers to be proactive and embrace modern recruiting solutions in order to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in this evolving industry.  


What’s Causing the Shortage? 

In a constantly expanding economy, some might wonder how there is still a truck driver shortage, especially amid a serious freight recession.  


While there currently are more carriers than available freight, industry experts worry about the shifting demographics of the trucking workforce as less younger people enter the field and more drivers age out and retire.  


The trucking industry has also historically struggled to attract female drivers and other members of underrepresented communities due to a lack of accommodation, safety measures, and support. This disparity continues to limit industry growth and development, despite increasing representation in leadership roles.  


At the same time, many drivers have left the field entirely, reporting low pay, insufficient benefits, and a challenging work/life balance. In fact, the transportation industry has lost 6% of its workers since the pandemic, and experts are expecting a shortage of 160,000 drivers by 2030.  


Prioritize Retention  

The best strategy to safeguard against the ongoing shortage is to retain the drivers you already have by demonstrating your commitment to their needs. By offering competitive pay and comprehensive benefits, you can create a positive work environment that attracts top talent and decreases turnover rates.  


Many drivers leave positions due to feeling underappreciated and unmotivated, which can make your carrier stand out by providing performance-based incentives and opportunities for bonuses such as referral programs, anniversary gifts, or driver-of-the-quarter awards.  


It is also important to enhance onboarding processes and prove to your drivers that you’ll be supporting them from the initial interview to their first day behind the wheel and beyond. Implementing frequent touchpoints throughout the hiring process improves communication and allows drivers to become more quickly integrated with existing company culture.  


Route optimization software and digital freight matching platforms can also improve the driver experience and even save your company money in the long run. By leveraging modern technology you can reduce down time between loads, create more efficient runs, and make your job offering more attractive.  


Diversify Your Selection Pool  

Another proactive strategy is to broaden the scope of your candidate selection pool. By reaching a larger and more diverse audience of differing ages, backgrounds, and experience levels, your company can ensure a steady influx of skilled drivers despite the challenges posed by the ongoing shortage.  


Meet drivers where they’re at by posting to a variety of online job boards and social media platforms. Innovative recruiting technology, including AI-driven applicant tracking systems and intelligent driver match technology, such as Drive My Way can make it easier to reach wide audiences and achieve better alignment between drivers and carriers.  


It is also beneficial to promote inclusivity by providing opportunities that support members of underrepresented communities in trucking, including women and people of color. These groups can be an untapped resource when looking for new drivers, so consider partnering with important organizations such as Women in Trucking or create a culture of support and acceptance through mentorship programs and training.  


Invest in the Future 

Sometimes, the best advice to overcome current setbacks is to set your sights on the future.  


By providing educational opportunities for your drivers, such as subsidies that cover the cost of obtaining a commercial driver’s license or other essential training, carriers can attract more candidates that might otherwise have been deemed unqualified.  


Partnerships with driving schools are another way to establish a direct pipeline of trained and qualified candidates while demonstrating your commitment to driver education. Hiring recent CDL graduates can also help build a strong foundation of drivers that will benefit your fleet as more seasoned drivers begin to retire.  


If your company isn’t currently hiring but you’re worried about experiencing future effects of the shortage, a driver waitlist could be the right solution. With this strategy, you can make offers to qualified drivers, but extend their start date out by as much as three months. Driver waitlists can help recruiting departments run more smoothly while ensuring a steady pipeline of potential hires for when positions become available.  


The truck driver shortage has already had a large impact on both carriers and drivers alike, making hiring more difficult while placing a larger demand on all drivers remaining in their positions. However, these strategies can alleviate some of the burden currently felt in all corners of the transportation industry.  


For more information on industry trends and how to stay ahead of the curve when recruiting and retaining quality drivers, head to our Employer Blog or connect with us on social media.  


If the ongoing  shortage of truck drivers  has made one thing clear, it’s that recruiting and retaining drivers is more important than ever. Hiring, training, and retaining dedicated drivers is crucial to finding success in today’s economy, and it all starts with the recruitment of the right candidates for the job.  

Struggling to attract talent or recruit them into your organization? Wondering how to meet the demands of the market and stay competitive in an ever-changing industry? These 4 tips are sure to help you set your organization up for success when recruiting truck drivers.  

  1. Make Your Marketing Driver-Centric

In today’s world, drivers look to the regular marketing channels to find information about prospective companies and fleets. This means that good recruitment strategies begin with strong marketing and carefully curated content.  

What kinds of content currently exist on the company website and social media pages? Information about how successful a company is won’t be of much interest to a potential employee. It’s important to highlight driver-centric content, or the kinds of benefits a driver can receive from your company.  

Ultimately, a driver wants to know that the company will treat their drivers with care and provide the benefits they are looking for.  

Highlight any wellness programs or culture initiatives that differentiate your company from the competition. Providing information on schedules, work-life balance, and fleet amenities can help drivers see how much you care. Including testimonials from current, satisfied employees builds trust and offers the real insight drivers are looking for.  

Remember, drivers are always wondering “what can they do for me?” Driver-centric marketing will leave no doubt in their mind that you’re the right company for them.  

  1. Target the Right Audience 

Before you start moving prospective drivers through the recruitment pipeline, you have to be sure you’re selecting from the best pool of candidates for the job.  

Many driving fleets have very specific needs and requirements that not all candidates are ideal for. Knowing how to target the right segment of candidates will make the process more efficient and effective.  

Databases allow you to select drivers based on driver type, years of experience, haul experience, geographical location, and other factors. Focusing on any of these segments early in the recruiting process can save you time and energy. It will also increase the overall effectiveness of the company. By not optimizing this stage of recruitment, you could potentially lose hours chasing leads which were never well suited for that particular fleet or job.  

If you don’t have an easy or effective way to browse data on prospective drivers, Drive My Way can help you target the specific segment of drivers needed for your particular situation.  

  1. Use the Latest Digital Recruiting Methods

Driver recruitment methods are constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up to date with the latest and most effective strategies. Social media continues to evolve as a tool, and drivers use these platforms to research companies, read comments, and evaluate employers. Since drivers are often on the road, they’ll use their mobile devices to search for job leads.  

When viewers like, follow, share, or comment on your content, it can increase the audience exponentially. But advertising job postings on social media channels isn’t enough to attract the talent you’re looking for.  

Post engaging content on your platforms which drivers will want to view. In addition, search engine optimization of your content will ensure that your website is receiving as much traffic as possible. Use software like Google Analytics and Google Keyword Planner to optimize your post by including trending phrases and words.  

Applications should be short and mobile-friendly to avoid any bottlenecking in the recruiting process. Drivers often don’t have enough time to fill out a long application, so a shorter version with only basic information required is best initially, with the option to complete the remaining components later.  

It’s helpful to stay on top of the latest digital tools for recruiting and analyze which strategies could be useful for your company.   

  1. Re-engage Old Leads

In the trucking industry, the unusually high turnover rate of drivers poses a unique challenge for recruiters.  

One of the best ways a recruiter can continually bring people into the pipeline is by re-engaging old leads or cold leads.  

Many drivers who could be a perfect fit but were previously unavailable or chose to drive for a different fleet might be available and looking for opportunities again. Leads and prospects that have gone cold or did not convert into driver status should not be forgotten. Instead, keep them in mind for the future and maintain a connection.  

Drip marketing, engaging content on blogs, social media, and newsletters are all great strategies to stay connected to old leads and assure that your fleet remains fresh on their minds when they’re considering a new employer.  



While driver recruiting in the trucking industry can be daunting, many of the unique challenges you face can be combated by these solutions. Master these four tips to experience recruiting as it should be: easy, effective, and rewarding.  

Truckers Against Trafficking

What is Truckers Against Trafficking?

Founded in 2009, Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) has quickly become a powerful force in the fight against human trafficking. Collaborating with trucking industry associations, motor carriers, government transportation agencies, law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, and even truck stops and travel plazas, TAT has trained over 730,351 drivers and personnel to identify and report instances of human trafficking. Their efforts have resulted in over 2,250 calls to the national trafficking hotline by truck drivers alone, leading to the identification of 612 human trafficking cases and the rescue of 1,133 victims.

Truckers Against Trafficking knows that trucking and busing professionals play a critical role in the fight against human trafficking. As the guardians of our nation’s highways, you possess a unique vantage point to root out traffickers who exploit our transportation infrastructure for their own selfish purposes. By partnering with TAT, you become an invaluable asset in the fight against this atrocity.

Truckers Against Trafficking has spread its wings and taught members of state trucking associations to be vigilant in identifying and reporting cases of human trafficking. Today, all 50 state associations have received training—up from just eight a few years ago. This powerful network of truckers, bus lines, and major airlines provides a watchful eye, ensuring that human traffickers have nowhere to hide. In addition, some bus lines and airlines now offer travel vouchers to survivors of human trafficking to ensure their safe return home. This growing network of eyes and ears makes our roads safer for everyone.

Truckers Against Trafficking has formed partnerships with numerous companies in the transportation industry to raise awareness about the signs of human trafficking. Bridgestone, for example, is a proud partner of TAT and has integrated anti-trafficking training into regular driver safety meetings. The salesforce has also been educated on what to look out for when on the road. By working together, these companies and TAT are making a tangible difference in the fight against this heinous crime.

There is a Hotline For Reporting Human Trafficking

Before the establishment of Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT), truckers only reported sporadic tips about human trafficking. However, with TAT’s efforts, there has been a significant increase in calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline at (888) 373-7888, with the option to also text 233733. In 2017, TAT reported that nearly half of the cases generated by truckers’ calls involved minors. TAT’s collaboration with the trucking industry and law enforcement agencies has made a tangible difference in the fight against human trafficking.

Available Resources for Education/Training about Human Trafficking

Truckers Against Trafficking offers free training materials such as a training DVD, wallet cards, and window decals to educate and train individuals and organizations on how to identify and report human trafficking. Show the training DVD to your staff and provide them with wallet cards to spread awareness. You can also give the wallet cards and training DVD to carriers when they come to your office. Once you have trained your staff, you can register as an officially trained organization/department with Truckers Against Trafficking and become an invaluable asset in the fight against human trafficking. Contact to receive your free training materials today. 

Other Ways to Help

Stay vigilant for any suspicious activity and report any potential instances of trafficking. Keep an eye out for young girls or boys loitering around truck stops or entering and exiting trucks. Be attentive to the conversation on the CB radio, and be on the lookout for code words such as “lot lizard” or “Commercial Company,” or any cryptic descriptions of a child, rates, or sex acts. It’s crucial to report any indicators of trafficking, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may appear, to the tip lines. Educate yourself about the issue by ordering Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children, a gripping account that exposes the dark underworld of the trafficking industry through the stories of those who live there. Available in paperback, e-book, and audio book formats, so you can listen on the road.

Of course, there’s still more work to do. Companies in every industry can join the fight. Police departments don’t have the resources or manpower to end human trafficking on their own. And they shouldn’t have to. We all use our nation’s roadways. Whether we’re individuals, small businesses or large corporations, we have a responsibility to educate ourselves about this national epidemic—and do our part to help end it!


“How Truckers Can Stop Human Trafficking”, American Trucker, Nov.1, 2017.

“More States Signing on to Enlist Truckers Against Human Trafficking”, Trucking Truth, June 24, 2019.

 truck driving jobs for veterans

The Benefits of Truck Driving Jobs for Military Veterans

Trucking jobs offer a host of advantages, particularly for military veterans seeking flexibility with their hours. After serving their country, many veteran truck drivers can relish weekends, nights, or days off to spend quality time with their loved ones. What’s more, some drivers can take their family or pets along for the ride, which is especially thrilling for kids.

Apart from spending time with family, trucking jobs for military veterans enable drivers to explore some of the most stunning parts of the country, including snow-capped mountains, major cities, and the iconic Iowa 80 mega truck stop.

CDL jobs are an excellent choice for veterans as they typically offer good salaries, sign-on bonuses, job security, and various other benefits. Moreover, they provide ample opportunities for career advancement. Among the many job options available to veterans after their military service, CDL jobs are one of the best for both them and their families.

In addition to the undeniable benefits of a career in truck driving for veterans, there is another crucial aspect to consider. The transportation of goods across the country is an essential aspect of our economy. Without truck drivers, this would not be possible. Much like our nation depends on the military for security and protection, we also depend on truck drivers to keep our economy thriving. It is gratifying to know that you play a crucial role in the functioning of this entire country.

Why Veterans Should Consider a Truck Driving Career

Military veterans have a natural edge when it comes to truck driving careers. The skills learned in the military, across various branches and roles, can be effortlessly applied to truck driving. With a successful military career, you most likely already have the traits that make for a great commercial truck driver. Don’t be surprised to realize how much potential you have in this line of work.

Work Environment

Truck driving careers offer a unique blend of independence and camaraderie. Drivers enjoy the freedom to choose their own hours and income while also being supported by their carrier and a tight-knit community of fellow drivers. With the potential for high earnings, a career in truck driving is an attractive option for veterans seeking a fulfilling and flexible career path.

Skills and Requirements

Truck driving demands a thorough understanding and adherence to rigid government safety regulations and company policies, which include mandatory rest periods and defensive driving practices. Adhering to these guidelines is essential for truck drivers to enjoy a long, prosperous career. Most veterans already possess the fundamental skills that trucking companies seek during intensive training and field experience, such as situational awareness, dependability, leadership, management, and teamwork. Furthermore, disciplined and committed military veterans won’t have any trouble acquiring specific driving skills through CDL training and driver orientation.

Waive the skills test!

Veterans with significant military driving experience may be eligible for a skills test waiver, and those with a CDL from their time in the military can start their driving career with a higher pay rate.

Job Security

Veterans seeking job security, a steady income, and retirement options should consider a truck driving career. Your talents are in high demand. It’s an excellent career transition option for retired veterans with the added benefit of company benefits.

The trucking industry needs skilled and dedicated drivers. Fortunately, military veterans possess the qualities and capabilities that make them ideal candidates for a successful career in truck driving. With the added benefits and support available to veterans, this path offers a promising and fulfilling option for those seeking a new direction.

ultimate guide to truck driver recruiting

Ultimate Guide to Truck Driver Recruiting

Current ways of recruiting truck drivers just don’t work anymore. That’s because recruiting isn’t a transaction. This ultimate guide helps carriers recruit for retention.

Get the Ebook

Now more than ever, the ability for carriers to retain truck drivers is key. As the labor market continues to tighten, companies need to reevaluate their recruiting and retention strategies for finding and keeping qualified drivers. 

Some carriers have tried offering large sign-on bonuses as a fix-all for recruiting and retaining drivers. Too many are then faced with turnover once the bonus is collected. Other companies have promised drivers home time and great pay but fall short of delivering these perks. 

In order to start attracting, hiring, and retaining qualified truck drivers in this competitive market, employers should apply these tips to their driver recruiting strategy to give themselves a competitive advantage.

1. Don’t Over-Promise and Under-Deliver

The last thing a driver wants is a carrier that over-promises and under-delivers. Before posting a job, carriers should take the time to look at the job description they’re putting out there and if it matches what the job really is. Make sure that pay isn’t inflated, home time is realistic, and benefits are factual. 

As a recruiter, it’s easy to think that you need to cast the widest net possible to get a good driver. But many times, this strategy leaves you with either no driver or a driver who isn’t a good fit and will lead to increased turnover. Carriers who are truthful in their job advertisements will attract the best candidates. 

When a carrier promises a driver certain perks only to change the rules a few months into the job, the driver loses interest in keeping that job and loses respect for the carrier. After that happens, that driver will let their entire network know exactly what happened. That will only increase the difficulty in filling future jobs.  

The better policy is to be truthful in your job description and during your talks with drivers. Even if a driver tells you, “Thank you, but I’m looking for something different”, that outcome is much better than a driver coming on board, finding out they were misled, leaving and spreading the word about their experience.  

2. Ask Drivers for Their Feedback Before They Post It Themselves

Sometimes it takes a carrier posting a job advertisement on Facebook for them to find out that their current drivers are unsatisfied. Maybe their pay is too low, their benefits aren’t desirable, or the carrier over-promises and under-delivers.  

Most times, posting their opinions on the internet isn’t a driver’s first choice. They want to have an outlet to tell their supervisors their feelings (anonymously or not), but many carriers don’t offer this. When that’s the case, a disgruntled driver may look to a social media platform or company review site to share their feedback. 

Instead of waiting to receive public and most likely unflattering feedback on a public social media platform, carriers should ask their drivers for feedback directly through engagement surveys, in-person conversations, or even a quick poll. 

This gives the carrier an accurate pulse on their drivers’ happiness and satisfaction, while keeping everything in-house. It’s also a great retention method because it shows drivers that the carrier cares. 

But collecting the feedback is only step one. It’s important to quickly address the feedback and make improvements when needed. Nothing is worse to a driver than when they provide feedback they were asked for and nothing comes from it. If that happens, there’s a good chance they’ll end up going to social media just like they would have in the first place.  

3. Offer Referral Bonuses and Performance Incentives

Instead of constantly investing in lofty sign-on bonuses to attract new drivers, carriers should implement referral bonus programs and performance-based incentives to retain their current, already-qualified drivers. These programs give drivers the opportunity to be acknowledged for their accomplishments and incentive to help grow the fleet.  

When implementing a referral bonus program, it’s a good idea to disperse the money in installments after the referred driver has been with the carrier for a specific period. Give the first chunk immediately, then the next half when the new driver reaches three or six months. Doing so protects the carrier from having a driver quickly leave after the money is given out. 

In addition, performance incentives should be used to reward drivers for maintaining good safety measures, fuel efficiency, and time management skills over an extended period of time. These not only help drivers stay focused on the carrier’s goals, but also reward them for living out the mission. 

ultimate guide to retaining truck drivers

Ultimate Guide to Retaining Truck Drivers

You work so hard to recruit the best truck drivers for your fleet. The trick is retaining them. This guide is packed with tips for retaining your fleet.

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cdl age requirementFrom shipping delays to empty shelves and rising prices in supermarkets, the effects of the truck driver shortage can be felt all across the country. Carriers and advocates have tried a number of ways to get more drivers into the industry. From raising pay to letting pets ride in the cab, a lot of different perks have been offered to get people interested in a career in trucking. 

Probably the most controversial response to the driver shortage has been to lower the age requirement to cross state lines in a CMV to 18. As of right now, drivers can get their CDL at 18, but can’t go interstate until they turn 21. This leaves most CDL trucking driving jobs to drivers 21 or older. 

Advocates say opening up this new age demographic to trucking will help alleviate effects of the driver shortage and get the industry moving in the right direction again. Opponents say that the safety risks associated with lowering the interstate CDL age requirement aren’t worth the potential benefits. Here’s everything you need to know about the age requirement debate for interstate truckers. 

What’s the Latest News?

Back in September of 2020, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) proposed a program that would allow 18–20-year old’s to operate a CMV across state lines. Nothing happened at the time, but the program was eventually picked up as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill that was passed in November of 2021.  

This program is officially called the Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program (SDAP). The program will be in place for 3 years, almost as a test run. After that, the FMCSA will publish their findings and let congress know whether they endorse it becoming law. As of right now, there’s no information on when carriers can start applying to be a part of the SDAP, but the FMCSA said they’ll post an announcement on their website when that happens. 

Cons to Lowering the Interstate CDL Age

The biggest and most obvious criticism of lowering the CDL age are the safety concerns associated with letting teenagers get behind the wheel of a 15-ton semi-truck. Teenagers are 3 times more likely to get into a crash than drivers over the age of 20. When you combine that statistic with the increased difficulty of driving a CMV, it’s easy to see why some are skeptical of lowering the CDL age. Also, some feel that lowering the CDL age requirement is just a way to avoid the bigger problems facing the trucking industry right now, such as low driver pay. 

Another issue that’s not considered a lot of the time with lowering the interstate CDL age is insurance. We spoke with Jeff Ice, Retired Managing Director with Risk Strategies Transportation about what this change will mean for the insurance industry and carrier’s policies.

“I don’t see the insurance industry modifying the underwriting requirement of a 21 year old minimum age for CDL or even non-CDL drivers. Actually, most insurance carriers have a 23-25 year old requirement and I don’t see them backing off that. So yes it’s a conundrum. Driver shortage vs. insurance experience/requirements. With the expanding use of real time fleet telematics, maybe this change will make a positive impact on the industry years down the road, but in the near term, I just don’t see the insurance industry backing down,” shared Jeff. 

Also, some drivers fear that if the CDL age gets lowered, so will their wages. 18–20-year-old drivers earn much less on average than older workers and are more likely to take lower offers from trucking companies. This will put older drivers who have made considerable gains in pay over the last few years in a tough spot. 

Pros to Lowering the Interstate CDL Age?

When we think of lowering the CDL age, we might think of freshly 18 year old drivers who have never been in a truck before, hopping on the highway. In the majority of instances, this won’t be the case. To address safety concerns, the pilot program institutes a mandatory 400 probationary period where any driver 18-20 must have an experienced driver in the passenger seat at all times. An experienced driver is defined as any driver who is 26 or over, has at least 5 years of CMV driving experience, been driving for the last two years, and has had no preventable accidents or pointed moving violations. 

Lindsey Trent, President and Co-Founder of the Next Generation in Trucking Association had this to say on the topic of training young drivers and the associated insurance issues.

“It’s going to be a process. There are companies that will allow a carrier to insure an 18-20 year old driver, but they’ll obviously have to pay more for that policy. If we can train a young person to be an exceptional driver and put them through a longer training process, we’ll eventually get those statistics in with the Safe Driver Apprenticeship Program. We’ll get answers to questions like, “Are these 18-20 year old drivers just as safe as a 26 year old who has their CDL,” shared Lindsey. 

Also, there’s already a number of young drivers out there who are already driving CMVs. In all 50 states, any person 18 or over can get their CDL A or B; they just can’t travel across state lines. Couple that with the SDAP only allowing 3,000 apprentices in the program at one time and you can see that many of the safety concerns have been addressed. 

18-20 is a very important age range, when many people choose the careers that they’ll be in for the rest of their lives. This is one benefit to lowering the interstate CDL age. The industry will be reaching young people at that critical time in their lives. For an industry that needs to get younger, lowering the CDL age seems like a no brainer. 

Whether you’re for or against lowering the CDL age requirement, as of right now, it’s happening. Even if it’s just on a small-scale test basis, we’ll soon see 18-year old’s out on the highway delivering freight. Only time will tell whether or not the concerns will outweigh the positive effect this change may have on the industry. 

ultimate guide to retaining truck drivers

Ultimate Guide to Retaining Truck Drivers

You work so hard to recruit the best truck drivers for your fleet. The trick is retaining them. This guide is packed with tips for retaining your fleet.

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truck driver shortage
Anyone who has been in trucking for even a few years is no stranger to the trucking shortage. This phenomenon has been growing for several years, and despite the unexpected twists of the past year, the truck driver shortage continues. As a single company, there is little you can do to change the overall industry conditions. However, there are ways to combat the trucking shortage in your own fleet.

Overview of the Driver Shortage

The current trucking shortage is a combination of several intersecting factors. First, there are still limited numbers of drivers entering the trucking field. This has been an ongoing trend for several years, and the industry as a whole has struggled to recruit and retain millennials and younger drivers. Second, the FMCSA’s Clearinghouse is in full effect. The Clearinghouse cleaned driver databases and removed tens of thousands of drivers who did not pass the drug and alcohol screening. The majority of these drivers have not taken steps to re-enter trucking. Both the lack of young drivers and the decrease as a result of the Clearinghouse were relatively expected influences. COVID-19 has added several additional challenges. 

When COVID-19 hit the trucking industry, there was a wide range of consequences depending on the company and haul type. For some, demand spiked overnight, and hiring drivers immediately was the biggest challenge. For other companies, business dried up, and they may have laid off drivers to keep the business afloat.

As we move through 2021, there continues to be mismatched supply and demand within different trucking niches.

In addition, drivers who were laid off have likely been collecting unemployment benefits. With the additional stipend provided by many states, some drivers are getting a good payout and are not incentivized to return to their driving jobs. The increased federal aid for unemployment is set to run through September 7, 2021, but many states intend to reduce unemployment benefits sooner. This may help reduce the trucking shortage, but fleets will still be contending with the other ongoing challenges. 

An Inside Look at the Shortage

The combination of factors mentioned above meant that it’s a driver’s market right now. Top drivers have their pick of jobs, and companies must have compelling offerings to attract drivers to their fleet. 

Drive My Way’s CEO, Beth Potratz, has deep expertise in HR and the trucking industry. She shared these insights on the ongoing driver shortage.

Beth Potratz

Beth Potratz, CEO of Drive My Way

“In the industry, there has been a stark decline in drivers searching for jobs, advertisement cost per lead is at an all-time high, and the average cost per hire has increased 41% higher month over month. ​

With local jobs aside, results with Drive My Way are consistent with the trends. Throwing more money at advertising will not fix the problem. Focus on the quality of your offering: pay, home time flexibility, and equipment quality. ​

The critical thing is that with fewer drivers looking for a job, those that connect first will win. It’s vital that you aggressively make a timely connection with drivers that express interest. Other recruiters are trying to reach them as well. Make those that express interest and who have completed a full app a priority.”

There is no single solution to becoming a top recruiting company, but successful hires start with an appealing job offer and a driver-centric culture. Optimize your offerings to bring in quality drivers that are right for your fleet.

How To Combat the Driver Shortage

Improve Your Job Offering

Because demand for drivers is high and supply is low, drivers can be particular and choose from top companies. Attracting drivers has to start with a top offering. At a minimum, your total compensation package – pay, home time, and benefits – should be at or above the industry average for that job type and region. If you offer a significant sign-on bonus, make sure that the rest of your package is also strong. The majority of drivers prefer higher pay to a large initial bonus and may be skeptical if the bonus is too big. Historically, some companies withhold pay in job advertisements to stay competitive with drivers. With demand for drivers as high as it is, that is a luxury that no company can afford. Drivers are looking for the best offer. Bring something valuable to the table, and make sure drivers are clear on your offer. 

Your total compensation package – pay, home time, and benefits – should be at or above the industry average. If you offer a significant sign-on bonus, make sure that the rest of your package is also strong.

In addition to a compelling compensation package, it’s important to clearly communicate the job description. The best job descriptions are specific and transparent. Drivers want to know what they’re getting into, and they don’t want surprises down the road. Make sure the most important details stand out, and use clear, concise language and formatting to convey the information. A well-written job description tells drivers that you are organized and understand their priorities.

Fine Tune Your Recruiting

A good job description may bring drivers in the door, but it’s up to recruiters to keep drivers interested. When a driver expresses interest in a position, it’s important to contact drivers quickly. That may mean changing staff hours to include shifts that are outside of the typical 9AM to 5PM. When demand for drivers is so high, even a few hours can be the difference in making the hire. If you have a top driver who is unsure about the position, put them in touch with a current driver. This demonstrates your trust in your drivers and is a clear commitment to transparency and company culture. If the compensation package is strong, one good conversation may be enough to convince a driver that you are the right fit.

female trucker

If drivers are not responding to your digital advertisements and marketing efforts, expand your candidate pool and evaluate your minimum qualifications. Reach out to underrepresented driver groups such as women, drivers of color, and young drivers. There are many great employees out there who you may be missing because your ads are not in the right places.

Another opportunity to bolster driver interest is through referral programs. Offer incentives (financial or otherwise) to current drivers who bring in new candidates. To incentivize driver retention, offer the referral bonus to your current driver after the new driver has stayed for 90 days or a similar trial period. Expanded marketing efforts and referral programs are a great way to help combat the truck driver shortage. 

Retain Current Drivers

One of the best ways to combat the effects of the trucking shortage in your fleet is to reduce the number of new drivers you need. Retention is just as important as recruiting. Start your retention efforts in the structure of your jobs. For example, if you are planning to give bonuses, reward longevity and performance over time rather than a hiring bonus. In addition, make sure your current drivers feel valued. Appreciation can come as a financial incentive, but you can also use home time, company or truck gear, or recognition to show drivers they matter. 

truck on the roadThe final, but perhaps most important, retention strategy comes from driver input. Drivers have years of valuable experience, and if they stay with your company for a long time, there’s a reason. Find those drivers who have stayed loyal, and ask why they stay. Then, amplify the things you are doing well! Many people focus on eliminating problems to improve retention, but it can be similarly effective to increase positive aspects of the job.

Ultimately, one company won’t resolve an industry-wide truck driver shortage. Instead, do your best to get clear, compelling, and concise job postings in front of the right drivers. Then, respond quickly to top candidates to make the hire. For current drivers, ensure that your HR structure supports driver retention so you can keep the good drivers you already have. 

truck driver incentive program checklist


Truck Driver Incentive Program Checklist

The best incentive program is the one that’s effective, sustainable, and engaging for drivers. Use this checklist to align your target behavior with rewards that motivate your drivers and create a program with lasting impact.

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