safety audit

Audits aren’t fun in any industry, but this is especially true for trucking. The DOT levies hefty fines on carriers who are caught out of compliance with federal regulations. Worse than that, some violations could be big enough for your carrier to fail the DOT Safety Audit immediately. These audits usually happen with very little warning as well.

The good news is that if your carrier makes an active effort to be prepared for such an audit, you have nothing to worry about. The best way to be prepared is to audit yourself before the DOT does. 

William Dorfner, CDS

We spoke with William Dorfner, Certified Director of Safety and Owner of Coastal Reconstruction and Safety. He shared what carriers should look for in a Safety Audit, how often to perform them, and what are some common things carriers miss when conducting them.  

What is a Safety Audit?

A Safety Audit is an internal examination of your carrier’s fleet of trucks. This can sometimes be part of a larger fleet audit that tackles the financial side of your fleet’s performance as well.

What’s the Purpose of a Safety Audit?

A safety audit is meant to catch any possible problems before the DOT does. Aside from that, safety audits help you spot maintenance problems that could be a pattern in your fleet or day-to-day safety issues that could be ignored.  

“It ensures your company is compliant in all areas, should a DOT audit happen. It also lets you discover any deficiencies in your safety and compliance department and gives you an opportunity to put policies and procedures in place to fix any deficiencies before they become a major issue,” shared William.    

What are the Different Things You Look for in a Safety Audit?

The FMCSA requires that all carriers have a qualification file for each driver they employ. These qualification files need to contain a number of documents. The FMCSA has a list of everything that needs to be in these files for your reference.

On a routine basis, go through some of these files with extreme detail. Make sure everything is present and in order. If it’s not, then correct it immediately and talk to the team handling DFQ files, so it doesn’t happen again. 

“In a Self-Safety Audit, you want to be looking at your DQFs, (Driver qualification files) logs and HOS violations, ELD reports, (disconnects, unassigned driving, personal conveyance) and roadside inspections, (Corrective actions, proof of repairs, DVIRs),” shared William.

Another thing the DOT looks at when auditing is the state of the trucks in your fleet. This includes operating a vehicle that is declared OOS and not repairing things that are reported in DVIRs. To avoid fines and OOS declarations, detailed inspections should be done on all trucks on a regular basis. Special attention should be paid to trucks that have had major repairs recently as well.  

How Can a Safety Audit Positively Impact Your Carrier?

Doing continuous safety auditing won’t directly lead to money for your carrier. But when you take a look at the hefty fines the DOT puts on non-compliant carriers, it’s easy to see how a commitment to staying in compliance helps your carrier’s bottom line. 

“When it comes to safety, sometimes you need to look a little harder to find the financial impact of doing things right. Let’s face it, the DOT is never going to come in and audit you and then hand you a check for doing a great job. It’s much easier to see the financial cost of claims and fines for not doing the right thing. That said, by continually looking at your own processes, policies, and procedures, a company can find ways to work more efficiently and place much needed resources into other areas. By ensuring compliance in all areas, a company will keep their scores low, their claims down, and be a top choice for drivers and customers to work with,” shared William.  

How Often Should Safety Audits be Done?

Safety Auditing is something that should be done on a very regular basis. Many carriers may only do it once or twice a year. While this is better than doing no safety auditing at all, it can still open the door for compliance problems.  

“It should be a continual process. Waiting a certain period of time between internal audits opens up the possibility for problems to go undetected. Every company is different than the next, so an exact timeline is hard to give. By making your internal auditing process continual, errors and omissions don’t exist for long before they are found,” shared William.   

What is the Top Issue Found in Safety Audits that Carriers Often Miss?

“If you have not been involved in an audit since the ELD mandate, things have changed. You will be asked for reports from your system such as vehicle disconnects, unassigned driving activity, personal conveyance, and more. If you are not already looking at these reports on a regular basis, you could be in for a big surprise in the event of an audit,” shared William. 

Safety Auditing is a big task, but that doesn’t mean it’s an impossible one. The two keys to being successful are knowing exactly what you’ll need to be compliant, and making auditing a continuous process. 

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Ultimate Guide to Retaining Truck Drivers

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distracted driving awareness month

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month! It’s part of an annual safety campaign sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The campaign brings awareness for safe driving among all drivers including semi-truck drivers. NHTSA is educating drivers on how distractions big and small can be a problem on the road and offering guidance on how to encourage safe driving in your fleet for the safety of everyone on the road.

1. Types of Distracted Driving


When you hear the phrase “distracted driving,” this is what a lot of people picture in their minds. Visual distractions can include things both inside and outside of the car. External visual distractions include things like rubbernecking at an accident and looking at things on the roadside outside of the car. It can also include internal visual distractions from the interior of the car. Turning to talk with passengers, taking care of kids, or soothing pets in the backseat are all examples of visual distractions as well. 


Most drivers have likely taken part in some sort of physical distraction while driving. That doesn’t make it any less dangerous. Physical distractions can include eating, fiddling with the car radio or dials, and texting or using a cell phone. 

Don’t text and drive! We’ve all heard that message, and for professional drivers, this should be obvious. However, even smaller actions that take the driver’s attention away from the road are considered physical distractions. If drivers need to communicate while on the road, remind drivers to use a hands-free device. Similarly, encourage drivers to eat on a break or to make adjustments to the cab environment before they pull out of the parking lot. To further promote fleet safety, implement driver-facing cameras to enforce and verify that drivers are following safety protocols. 


Cognitive distractions are arguably the hardest to catch. Essentially, this includes any time a driver is daydreaming or lost in thought. Obviously, it’s nearly impossible to monitor when a driver is cognitively distracted, but it can still be very dangerous. When the mind is wandering, drivers are much less likely to notice obstacles or problems on the road and may be less able to respond quickly when situations arise. Even though cognitive distractions are far less obvious to most drivers, it’s important to educate your fleet on the dangers of this type of distraction.

2. Consequences for Truck Drivers & Your Company

If a driver in your fleet is pulled over or ticketed for distracted driving, the consequences can vary greatly. It all depends on the violation. In some cases, there may be a fine of up to $2,750 that the driver is required to pay, and a repeat offense may lead to license suspension. There can also be consequences that tie directly to your company. In some situations, employer fines of up to $11,000 may also be issued. There may also be a drop in your company’s Safety Measurement System ratings, which can leave a more lasting impact.

3. How to Foster Safety In Your Fleet

Driver safety is undeniably one area where an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. One of the best ways to foster safety in your fleet is to offer regular trainings and communicate clear expectations. All drivers should be current in their knowledge of tractor trailer safety protocols, and they should know exactly what the consequences are if they jeopardize fleet safety with their actions. To document training sessions and fleet compliance, ensure that meticulous records are kept as part of your truck accident procedure. Documentation should include details of safety trainings and driver incidents that occur.

Create a company culture that incentivizes safe driver behavior. If drivers are constantly working against a clock or feel they are unable to successfully complete their routes if they take time for breaks, that is incentivizing unsafe driver behavior.

In addition to regular driver safety instruction and clear safety expectations, it’s essential that drivers are ABLE to complete their job safely. If drivers are constantly working against a clock or feel they are unable to successfully complete their routes if they take time for breaks, that is incentivizing unsafe driver behavior. Instead, offer a safety incentive program. It is the responsibility of the employer to create a work environment that encourages and enforces safe driving practices. Remind drivers to take their scheduled breaks to help increase mental alertness. Breaks are also the best time to eat, check phones, and take care of other personal needs. It is then the responsibility of each driver to monitor their behavior on the road and meet those expectations.

4. Safe Driving Tips for Professional Drivers

Some of the most important ways to comply with National Distracted Driving Awareness Month are also the most basic. Attentive driving means consistently keeping your eyes on the road with regular scanning. Encourage drivers to use hands-free devices while on the road and prohibit the use of handheld devices. Generally, using defensive driving practices also limits or eliminates distracted driving. All drivers learn safe driving practices before getting their CDL. However, integrating safety reminders into daily life as part of distracted driving awareness month and beyond helps keep drivers accountable and at the top of their game. 


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4 Ways to Easily Ensure FMCSA Compliance

The word “audit” usually brings up feelings of panic when you hear it. The thought of a governing board or body coming to grade your business on how well it follows rules and guidelines can make anyone a little anxious. You know the rules and you seek to follow them every day. But there’s always some details that can potentially be missed, or some paperwork that’s inevitably been misplaced. With a few minor changes to your strategy, you can be ready for any audit. Here is how to ensure FMCSA compliance.

What is an FMCSA Audit?

To get ready to pass an audit, you need to know what one is. The Department of Transportation (DOT) governs the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The mission of the FMCSA is to provide regulations to increase safety and decrease accidents and fatalities involving commercial motor vehicles.

These audits cover everything from the basics of DOT licensing, all the way to tracking each of your drivers’ drug and alcohol testing records to ensure FMCSA compliance.

In order to work to make the roads safer for everyone, those who work in the trucking industry are subject to the rules and regulations that the FMCSA provides. From time to time, they require an audit of your carrier for compliance with these rules and regulations.

Plan for a Remote Audit

The Quick Guide to Remote Onboarding

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has cancelled countless in-person events, not limited to family parties and business meetings. In May 2020, the FMCSA issued guidance that they would conduct reviews “by leveraging all available technology to access information” and “limit exposure risk for the regulated community and safety investigators”. All the rules to follow were still in place, but the on-site review was no longer a requirement.

Planning for a remote audit is still important, and carriers need to use the prescribed ways of supplying information securely and on-time.

Using email and telephone and video calls instead of in-person interaction might seem unusual for a safety audit. However, these methods are good alternatives to keep everyone safely distanced during these unusual times.

Though remote audits were not new to 2020, they were more important that ever this year.

Use Technology to Stay Organized

Forget about keeping track of everything manually because something will always get lost in the shuffle. Move to a system of electronically tracking your documents, or better yet, use software specifically designed to help teams like yours monitor, track, and prepare for audits. These programs can be setup to give you warnings when you’re coming up against an expiration or getting close to a due date.

Take the time now to move to new automated systems to help ensure FMCSA compliance or at least start planning to phase out paper ledgers and countless pages of checklists.

Once documents have been scanned and electronically filed one time, they are stored in one place forever. No more searching high and low in a storage room full of papers for that one lost document you need for an upcoming audit.

Just like moving to an online applicant tracking system to save time, use online tools to help ensure safety and compliance. You can free-up time and space by using technology to alleviate all that paperwork.

Know the Rules

For FMCSA compliance, there are several categories where non-compliance is an automatic fail on your safety audit. Knowing the rules and having a great safety plan in place are a great place to start to ensure you’re set for FMCSA compliance. Creating a culture of safety is important. You can rally your drivers and the entire organization around it, and celebrate safety throughout the year. Having a great plan for safety and compliance can be something attractive to your future drivers and can help retain drivers at your carrier for a long career.

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Ultimate Guide to Retaining Truck Drivers

You work so hard to recruit the best truck drivers for your fleet. The trick is retaining them. This guide is packed with tips for retaining your fleet.

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4 Reasons Verifiable Fleet Safety Needs to be a Top Priority

Fleet safety is one of the most important things for a trucking company to prioritize. One bad safety incident can cost thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can cause a ripple of damaging effects for years: in bad publicity, drivers turning down jobs, and overall a long recovery from the incident. Though not every accident is avoidable, most have causes that prove to be preventable. So here are 4 reasons verifiable fleet safety needs to be a top priority.

1. Mitigate Your Risk: Drivers

Your drivers are your most valuable assets. You put a lot of time and effort into hiring them, so be sure to put that same effort and time into keeping them. Driver health is one of the best ways to mitigate risk over the road. Healthy minds and bodies make for safer drivers. If you have drivers that are overly tired or stressed, they’re more likely to make mental errors that can cause safety issues. And drivers who are not trained well certainly won’t be set up to be safe and successful drivers. Think about what you can do to help support your drivers’ health and well-being. Put plans in place to start making driver health a priority. And share those plans to everyone in the company.

2. Mitigate Your Risk: Equipment

Put risk mitigation steps in place with your equipment as well to help with your overall fleet safety. Staying current with all the required service and safety checks required for your company’s equipment is especially important.

Keeping your fleet in good repair can keep your employees more engaged. The state of your equipment can have a big impact on your drivers and how attractive your company might be to new employees. Have a clear fleet maintenance policy in place.

3. Create a Culture of Fleet Safety

Who is responsible for fleet safety? Is it left up to the drivers behind the wheel? Does concern for safety come from the top of the organization down? Is everyone aware of your safety policies? If you’re not sure of these answers, one of the best things you can do at this time is get your safety policies written down. And then share them with everyone. This is the best way to get a culture of safety started. Bake safety into the foundation of the company and communicate it both internally and externally. If not, it will always fall to someone else to be responsible for fleet safety.

4. Document Emergency Procedures

As mentioned, not every incident is 100% avoidable, and it’s true that accidents will happen. Even when you take precautions, you and your drivers need to be ready to react in case of an emergency. Having solid, documented processes in place is very important when talking about overall fleet safety. Ensuring your drivers know what do to and who to contact when a problem arises can help lessen the impact of the damage and the time getting the situation resolved.

Document your processes and procedures for any type of emergency that might arise. Ensure that your drivers have quick access to clear emergency contact information and steps to take in case of an emergency.

Taking these steps to ensure you’ve got a good start to verifiable fleet safety is an important way to create a culture of safety in your company. Working to always communicate and share updates to any of these policies is something that should be built-in to decision making and change management throughout the organization. Making that everyone in the organization is responsible for safety can make your company an attractive option when hiring new drivers.

ultimate guide to truck driver recruiting

Ultimate Guide to Truck Driver Recruiting

Current ways of recruiting truck drivers just don’t work anymore. That’s because recruiting isn’t a transaction. This ultimate guide helps carriers recruit for retention.

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4 Tips for a Successful Driver Safety Program

Truck driver safety is of the utmost importance in the trucking industry. Keeping your drivers safe, and your fleets moving are the keys to any successful trucking company. Every trucking company should have a documented driver safety program as a best practice. So whether you’re a company with a great safety history, or a newer carrier just getting things started, here are 4 tips for putting together a successful driver safety program.

1. Make Safety Everyone’s Responsibility

The best way for any carrier to operate is with a comprehensive approach to safety. It’s not the job of the owner or the individual drivers to make sure that safety is a priority. It’s everyone’s responsibility. Safety should be baked into the foundation of the company, and communicated both internally and externally. If not, it’s always going to fall to someone else to take care of it.

Having safety as part of your carrier’s culture is a terrific way to show drivers that you care about them. It can help you attract good drivers, and keep your drivers with you for the long haul.

2. Seat Belt Programs

Wearing seat belts is important. Some might say that seat belt wearing is the most important thing all drivers should do to be safe over the road. So making sure that every driver, and passenger in the cab, wears their seat belt is a good idea.

There are seat belt detection options that can pay dividends when utilized. Adding these options to your overall driver safety program can reap great benefits over time.

3. Offer Rewards for Safety

Make sure your drivers have some skin in the game, as the saying goes. If drivers have good safety protocols to follow, give them a reward for doing their part. There are a number of ways for carriers to implement rewards that can help your drivers feel recognized for doing a great job. And these rewards can be as simple or grand as your imagination and budget allow.

Simple things like recognition boards for doing things right daily are a great idea. Or for those drivers that achieve big safety milestones, celebrate those more visibly.

4. Document Your Driver Safety Program

If the driver safety program at your company is not formally compiled and readily available for everyone, it’s not worth very much. Like most HR policies, this one should be written out and distributed to everyone, so that there’s no confusion as to what’s in it, or where employees can find it. Add this program to your formal employee review process. Be clear when communicating changes to the program. This way it’s clear for everyone to know they’ve got the most current version.

Writing your program down avoids confusion. And it ensures that everyone who needs to see it, is able to see it.

Your truck driver safety program can be a foundational part of your culture and the way the you run your company. It can help with both your truck driver recruitment and retention over time. Showing drivers that you care about their safety can make drivers feel like a more valued part of the company. To learn more about retaining your good truck drivers, get the guide below.

ultimate guide to retaining truck drivers

Ultimate Guide to Retaining Truck Drivers

You work so hard to recruit the best truck drivers for your fleet. The trick is retaining them. This guide is packed with tips for retaining your fleet.

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3 Important Ways the Coronavirus Impacts the Trucking Industry

The Coronavirus may be the most talked about and least expected economic trend of the first half of 2020. Airborne diseases like influenza are common this time of year, but Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is raising concerns because of the rapid rate of infection. A full understanding of how the Coronavirus impacts the trucking industry remains largely unknown. Most companies will soon feel the impact. That may come either directly through their supply chain or through indirect economic ripples. 

As we move into mid-March, the rate of infection in the epicenter, located in Hubei Province, China has slowed. Despite that, reports of Coronavirus cases internationally, including in the United States, are increasing. To date, 423 cases have been identified in the United States with 19 deaths reported. The majority of these cases are concentrated near coastal states and shipping ports. 

Short Term Outlook: Global Supply Chain Disruptions

The global impact of the coronavirus is already evident domestically. For instance, late February marked one of Wall Street’s worst weeks ever. The automotive, technology, and medical industries are seeing some of the earliest impacts. Unsurprisingly, this can be traced to the importance of Chinese manufacturing in their supply chains. 

In August 2019, President Trump issued an order for US companies to diversify supply chains. Despite that, the reality is that many US Companies have global supply chains with a strong presence in China. Based on a study conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, 87% of companies operating in China expect the coronavirus to impact 2020 revenues. Already, the freight industry is working to stabilize against the reduced port activity. Recent weeks have seen an increased supply from Mexico.  In addition, a $225 Million grant was recently made available by the US Department of Transportation.  

Global Supply Chains in the Trucking Industry

shipping containers in port

The full impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on freight carriers who are part of a global supply chain will not clarify for weeks and even months to come. At the end of the day, the nature of the freight you carry will determine how COVID19 will most strongly affect your company. For example, carriers in technology or medical supplies may already be experiencing the impact. Sluggish import activity may be slowing loads out of port cities. Other carriers may experience a delayed impact.

Unmet Q1 manufacturing targets, lethargic return to production, and continued global virus outbreak all contribute to delays. Many Chinese manufacturing companies are returning to production. However, facilities are operating at reduced capacity as workers slowly return to work. As you know, ground transport typically makes up one of the final processes in supply chains. As a result, employers can expect the effects of the coronavirus to continue well into Q2 and Q3 2020.

Long Term Outlook

The number of ways the Coronavirus impacts the trucking industry is largely dependent on how quickly cases continue to spread globally over the coming weeks. For example, if the rate of infection slows, economic growth is expected to recover fairly quickly with a strong rebound in the second half of the year. Delayed shipments in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2020 may invigorate sluggish freight markets in Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 of this year. In short, this uptick anticipates increased port activity to compensate for the current delayed shipment rate. On the other hand, a slow response to virus containment will bring more lasting challenges to the freight industry. 

Ripple Effects

placing money in piggy bankFor companies with a domestic supply chain, the effects of the Coronavirus will be less immediately obvious. That said, they are no less important. National and international markets already are reacting to the pandemic. As a result, we may see economic instability increase in response to the uncertainty. As this reaches individual consumers, demand for non-essential goods may decrease shipping demand.

Drivers may also feel ripple effects from the outbreak in parallel industries such as oil and gas. In the near term, gas prices may remain low due to reduced export to and demand from China. Low gas prices will benefit freight in the short term. But, a prolonged imbalance may contribute to long term economic instability.

Protect the Health of Your Employees and Company

Currently, the Coronavirus has had very limited spread in the United States. Unsurprisingly, health officials caution that the illness may become more widespread in the United States in the coming weeks.  Prioritize your health, the health of your employees, and the health of your company. In addition, take measures now to reduce how the coronavirus impacts your company. Each company’s actions can also change how coronavirus impacts the trucking industry at large. There are several common sense measures promoted by the CDC. You can implement these measures immediately to reduce any risk of infection. 

    1. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently
    2. Watch for symptoms in yourself and your loved ones 
    3. Reach out to a medical professional with any concerns
    4. Stay home when you’re sick and encourage your employees to do the same
    5. Consider offering a few extra days of paid sick leave to allow employees to prioritize their health

The health of your company is closely tied with the health of your drivers.  Consider, you may be able to weather a mild driver shortage due to illness without lasting impact. This is more serious. Quick recoveries are critical to long term company health. Ensuring that drivers are able to take the necessary paid sick days will reduce their exposure to other drivers and will help them quickly return to work.


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driver seat belt protection

Requiring driver seat belt detection isn’t just a matter of good business, it’s personal. The safety of your fleet affects so much more than the individual employees. Keep your drivers safe with a seat belt and get them home to their families. Everyone will sleep easier at night. 

While driver safety should always lead the conversation, driver seat belt detection is also good business. Whether it’s by preventing lawsuits or lost revenue, one small action can have huge benefits. Here are three reasons driver seat belt detection pays off. 

1. Increase Driver Safety

The drivers in your fleet are your company’s most valuable resource. Without a doubt, keeping those same drivers safe on the road should be a top priority. Seat belts are the single best way to increase truck driver safety. Study after study demonstrates this, and most truckers do buckle up. According to a 2015 CDC report on trucker driving habits, 5 in out of 6 drivers regularly click in before driving, but what about the last 16.6% percent? That’s approximately 583,000 drivers who aren’t protected by a seat belt on the road. 

We know you can’t be on the road with your drivers at all times, so consider a form of driver seat belt detection to motivate your drivers. As an employer, there are tools you can use to increase seat belt use in your fleet. Consider investing automatic safety procedures that alert your drivers by SMS if they are driving without being buckled up or prevent engine starts without seat belt usage. Looking for a lower tech option? Incentivize your employees to wear their belts. Remember, small rewards and perks or small financial bonuses can go a long way. Even something as simple as recognition or internal company awards can go along way toward encouraging safer driver behavior.

Driver safety is a top recruiting tool for bringing in quality drivers and retaining the good drivers you have.

Once you prioritize these efforts, don’t be shy in letting your drivers know!  Whether it comes through in your well-maintained fleet rigs or in the rewards you offer for good driving, you’re showing drivers you care. That goes a long way toward building a company culture where drivers want to be.

2. Reduce Company Liability

Everyone has heard accident horror stories. As you know, even if your drivers have met all their safety requirements and are driving cautiously, accidents happen. Unfortunately, some people may try to take advantage of a bad situation. An accident participant or lawyer may try to build a case for reckless driving based on evidence that your driver wasn’t wearing their seat belt. 

drive my way primary seat belt map

For more evidence, consider that as of June 2019, 34 states have primary seat belt laws for front seat occupants. Even if there are no other infractions, drivers can be pulled over by a law enforcement officer for not wearing a seat belt. If your company offers a ridealong program, make sure safety isn’t limited to drivers. Primary seat belt laws include passengers as well, and CMV drivers are held responsible for any other vehicle occupants. 

3. Safety Affects Your Bottom Line

While keeping your drivers safe should top the reasons to implement driver seat belt detection, there is also revenue at stake. Consider, a single truck accident costs an average of $148,279. That number skyrockets to $7,633,600 if there is a fatality. Keeping your drivers safe on the road is a good return on your investment.

In 2012, 700 truck drivers or their passengers died in accidents. 40% of the unbelted drivers could have been saved with a seat belt. Three seconds of clicking in could have saved lives and millions of dollars.

Perhaps not surprisingly, not wearing a seat belt is often just one of several unsafe practices that drivers engage in. There is a strong correlation that the drivers who do not wear a seat belt also are more likely to be found speeding and have received multiple moving violation tickets. As an employer, the best thing you can do is to build a culture of safety.

Become a Leader

Driver safety programs often start at the managerial level. The National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence conducted a year long study with 9 carriers to improve their safety records. Top successful strategies included:

  • Develop a strong safety culture
  • Comprehensive Ongoing Driver Training programs
  • Collision Mitigation Technology such as Automatic Emergency Braking, lane departure warnings, and video-based onboard safety monitoring systems
  • Strict driver hiring criteria

For each of the companies studied, there was no single practice that brought improved safety metrics. Instead, a combination of the above practices led each fleet to experience decreases in the severity and number of crashes. This also improved their overall scores in FMCSA’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability program.



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