
Flexible Recruitment: Leveraging Strategic Partnerships to Hire Drivers During Market Fluctuations

The trucking industry has faced its fair share of challenges in recent years – global supply chain disruptions, an enduring driver shortage, the ongoing freight recession, and widespread economic volatility. As freight markets declined and margins came under pressure, many companies were forced to restructure. Their talent acquisition and recruitment teams bore the brunt, downsized through layoffs, underfunded, or in some cases, abandoned completely. 


However, one fundamental truth persists: the need for skilled, reliable drivers remains constant, regardless of fluctuations in freight demand. Even when freight volumes dip, companies must maintain operations and have drivers ready to meet customer needs. Furthermore, the truck driver workforce is aging, necessitating replacements for those nearing retirement. High turnover rates also demand continuous hiring to backfill vacant positions. Trucking companies simply cannot afford to hit pause on driver recruitment and retention efforts, even amid market downturns. 


While rebuilding internal recruitment and talent acquisition requires significant investment, flexible, outsourced hiring solutions offer an alternative path to maintain a robust talent pipeline. This proactive approach ensures organizations are poised to swiftly meet their hiring needs when demand inevitably rebounds, without missing a beat. 


The American Trucking Associations (ATA) projected a staggering driver shortage of over 82,000 for 2024, a sharp increase from the previous year’s estimate of 60,000. This widening gap is fueled by the industry’s struggle to recruit and retain drivers from newer generations, coupled with the impending retirement of a significant portion of the current workforce, whose average age hovers around 47. 


Pausing recruitment efforts during market downturns leaves companies in an unfortunate position when market conditions or turnover requires a quick shift. The costs of rushed hiring, compromised candidate quality, and the inherent inefficiencies of rebuilding internal recruitment teams can outweigh any perceived short-term savings. Instead, a prudent long-term strategy is to find a way to nurture relationships with prospective drivers continuously. 


The Scalability of Outsourced Recruitment  


Many companies and HR leaders may be expecting AI to fill talent acquisition roles in the future, with the hope that automation will drive efficiency and productivity when they need to begin hiring again. However, while certain aspects of the recruitment process can be automated, key elements of the candidate experience still require human interaction and personalization – something that AI is not yet capable of replicating effectively. 


Moreover, the technology to fully automate recruiting is still in its very early stages. Relying solely on AI to fill the void left by downsized recruitment teams is a risky proposition that could leave companies struggling to attract and hire top talent.  


In the near term, strategic recruiting partners offer an effective and affordable solution for companies seeking to maintain their hiring capabilities without the overhead of full-time in-house teams. By partnering with external experts, organizations gain the scalability to align their resources with dynamic market conditions. External recruitment partners offer the flexibility to ramp up or down based on hiring needs, allowing companies to seamlessly scale their recruitment efforts as demand fluctuates. 


Forward-thinking providers in the driver recruitment space have already begun to adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of both drivers and carriers. Companies should be looking for partners who leverage targeted job distribution, provide exclusive access to engaged driver communities and real-time matching technology to facilitate a tailored candidate experience that balances the need for automation with the human touch that drivers crave. 


As companies navigate the uncertain road ahead, partnering with experienced providers offers a cost-effective way to maintain hiring momentum and build a robust talent pipeline. The key lies in finding a partner that understands the unique challenges of the trucking industry and has the agility to adapt to changing market dynamics while keeping the driver experience at the forefront. 


The Value of Driver-Centric Recruitment 


In today’s competitive job market, drivers demand personalized experiences and meaningful connections throughout the recruitment process. Recognizing this shift, providers like Drive My Way prioritize driver-centric strategies that resonate with candidates on a deeper level. By leveraging an outside recruitment partner, companies can tap into a range of benefits that enhance the driver experience and improve overall hiring outcomes, such as: 


Real-time feedback insights: Drive My Way is uniquely positioned to provide carriers with  real-time feedback from those highly sought after passive candidates who meet the minimum job requirements, but decline the invitation to pursue the job, providing valuable insights into the reasons behind their decision. This feedback – from your jobs as well as others – can help identify areas for improvement in job descriptions, compensation packages, or other factors that may be deterring potential candidates. 


Enhanced job matching: By leveraging driver preference data, Drive My Way facilitates better job matching, ensuring that drivers are presented with opportunities that align with their skills, experience, and personal preferences. This increases the likelihood of a successful hire and long-term retention. 


Personalized driver engagement: Drive My Way uses driver preference data to tailor communication and job opportunities to individual drivers’ needs and desires. This personalized approach demonstrates a commitment to understanding and meeting the unique requirements of each driver. 


Optimized compensation and benefits: Insights gathered from driver preferences can inform refinements to compensation packages and benefits offerings. By understanding what drivers value most, Drive My Way helps companies optimize their compensation strategies to remain competitive in the market. 


Strengthened driver relationships: Open communication channels facilitated by strategic partners like Drive My Way can foster stronger relationships between drivers and potential employers. Maintaining ongoing communication and gathering feedback throughout the recruitment process helps build trust and demonstrates a commitment to driver satisfaction. 


Enhanced brand visibility: Drive My Way offers expertise in cultivating brand awareness, helping companies effectively communicate their unique value proposition to potential drivers. This can help companies stand out in a crowded market and attract the attention of top talent. 


Compelling employer value proposition: A well-crafted employer value proposition (EVP) is essential for attracting and retaining top driver talent.  Drive My Way helps companies develop EVPs that showcase their vision, mission, values, and culture, resonating with drivers who seek alignment with their personal goals and lifestyles. 




The trucking industry’s relentless cycles underscore the importance of maintaining consistent driver recruitment and retention efforts, especially during market fluctuations. By capitalizing on Drive My Way’s growing community of more than 160,000 engaged drivers alongside their specialized recruiting expertise, companies gain the flexibility and scalability while prioritizing driver-focused strategies. 


This proactive approach nurtures relationships, ensuring a robust talent pipeline is ready when the tides inevitably turn.  


If you’re ready to explore how Drive My Way’s personalized driver recruiting solutions can help you navigate market fluctuations with confidence, bring your open jobs to a live demo session, and watch as we uncover the perfect matches for your company. 

Brand Advertising

In today’s competitive market, it’s more important than ever to have a clear brand identity that is communicated in every social media post, job listing, and recruiting event.  


Whether your company is looking to attract new talent, find different suppliers, or simply stand out among the competition, brand advertising is essential to creating and promoting a unique identity to the public.  


Continue reading to find out the importance of brand advertising, and how your company can leverage its brand to differentiate itself from competitors, build trust, and establish a strong presence in the market. 


What Makes Brand Advertising Important? 

In simple terms, brand advertising refers to the strategic efforts a company makes to promote its unique identity, values, and offerings to the public. It’s all about creating a memorable and positive impression of the company in the minds of potential customers, employees, and other stakeholders. 


In the trucking industry, brand advertising is key to recruiting and retaining qualified drivers while distinguishing your company from the growing number of carriers in this highly competitive market.  


By fostering a sense of belonging and pride in being associated with your brand, you will not only attract new talent but also cultivate loyalty among existing employees. This can protect against industry-wide turnover rates and increase overall employee job satisfaction.  


In a field where safety and reliability are essential to long term success, a well-crafted brand image can also convey professionalism and commitment to excellence. Highlight company safety measures and rigorous protocols to demonstrate your dedication to ensuring the well-being of your drivers and to reinforce your reputation as a trustworthy and dependable employer.  


Additionally, showcasing accolades, certifications, and industry recognition further solidifies your brand’s credibility and sets you apart as a leader in the transportation industry. 


Tell Your Story 

Brand advertising at its core is an opportunity to differentiate your company by emphasizing what makes it unique. When deciding how to market your brand, consider what sets your company apart.  


Is it your exceptional safety records, commitment to driver work/life balance, or your top-of-the-line equipment? Do you want your company to be known for supporting new drivers through mentor training programs, or for offering competitive pay and benefits? 


The best way to communicate your unique story in a relatable and engaging manner is to use real-life examples to showcase your values and culture. Consider interviewing your longest-tenured drivers to understand what factors make them want to stay with your company, then be sure to share their experiences and insight in your marketing efforts.  


Utilize Social Media 

Digital marketing is key to recruiting drivers and promoting your brand in today’s world. Social media provides a chance for carriers to meet potential candidates where they’re at, whether they’re actively looking for a job or not.  


Social media platforms also can be useful to showcase your company culture and brand. Post photos and stories that highlight daily life within your organization, celebrate achievements, and introduce your team. Encourage drivers to participate in content creation, serving as “influencers” for your company. 


Providing a window into your company’s world helps potential drivers visualize what it’s like to work with you. It fosters a sense of community before they even apply, and allows your brand to be defined by more than just mission statements and technical information.  


Maintain Consistency 

An important consideration to keep in mind when building a brand is to maintain consistency across all channels. This is essential for establishing credibility and trust and will reinforce your brand and company’s values no matter which platform or recruiting method is used.  


Consistency also builds recognition, such as through vehicle branding or distinctive logos. This can help your carrier become the first thing that comes to mind when a driver or customer needs your services, and can increase your standing in the industry.  


The most effective brand advertising of yout employment value proposition often comes from a collaborative effort between HR and marketing teams, which increases the likelihood of concise and consistent branding. By utilizing the skillsets of both teams, carriers can clearly communicate their values whether they are actively hiring or not. Even during periods when immediate recruitment isn’t the focus, this collaboration ensures that the company’s mission and commitment to drivers remain visible and resonate with the industry at large.  




For more tips and tricks to stay ahead of the curve in today’s highly competitive market, be sure to keep up with our latest Truck Driver Blog posts and connect with us on  social media. 

The best way to increase driver retention rates, attract qualified candidates who are the right fit for your company, and boost overall employee satisfaction is to start by asking yourself: what do drivers want? 


We recently asked CDL drivers what they’re looking for from employers in 2024, and their answers might be more simple than you’d think. With responses such as better communication, dependable equipment, and increased pay, these drivers proved that it’s more important than ever to show your drivers that you are listening and willing to prioritize what they value. 


If you consider actual driver needs in your recruitment efforts, while creating a company culture of support and appreciation, you are likely to increase the scope of your applicant pool and decrease driver turnover rates. Keep reading to learn what CDL drivers are looking for from employers this year, and how to utilize evolving industry trends to take this into account and stay ahead of the curve.  


Competitive Pay  

The trucking industry might be ever-evolving, but one concern will always remain on the top of the list for drivers. In 2024, CDL drivers will continue to view competitive pay as a major differentiating factor when applying for jobs. Drivers want to feel like their time and hardwork are valued fairly, so by providing an increase in base compensation and benefits, you will attract more qualified candidates and stand out among your competition.  


In recent years, sign-on bonuses and benefit packages have continued to increase in value nationwide, a trend that will likely continue in the new year. Throughout 2023, some carriers paid as much as $200-$500 per day of driver orientation. This is a steep increase from the long standing industry standard of $100 per day.   


Beyond base pay, these are some of the added benefits that drivers will care about most in 2024: 

  • Affordable insurance and retirement plans 
  • Paid time off 
  • Salary bonuses for safety records, taking more difficult routes, or meeting mile goals 
  • Sign-on and referral bonuses 
  • Scholarships for CDL training or for further education  


Communication & Listening 

An increase in base compensation recently topped the list of driver concerns in Drive My Way’s 2023 Driver Happiness Report, which collected the responses of over 500 drivers nationwide. However, nearly 10% of surveyed drivers also answered that an increase in employer communication and listening would improve their satisfaction and workplace happiness.  


If you’re looking to recruit and retain quality drivers in 2024, start by showing your drivers that you value their opinions. Conducting frequent surveys and one-on-one meetings are great ways to gain employee feedback, but it’s essential to demonstrate your commitment to your drivers by actively using this feedback to adjust company policies.  


Frequent touchpoints are the best way to check in with drivers to ensure that they feel listened to and that their feedback has an impact. Truck driving can be an isolating career, so it’s important to make sure each driver feels like they are part of a larger team, whether they’ve worked at the company for 6 months or 6 years.  



When looking for a job in 2024, CDL drivers value honesty and transparency more than ever. In today’s highly competitive market, drivers want to know what benefits are offered, what the application and onboarding process is like, and if there are any minimum requirements that need to be met.  


Keep in mind the type of driver you are looking for when launching your driver recruiting campaign. Researching and understanding this persona will help you reach your target audience, and will also enable you to provide what that driver is seeking. For example, if your carrier allows pets or partner driving, mention that in your recruiting efforts. Even if some candidates aren’t looking for this benefit, those who are will be more inclined to apply.  


Safety First 

Every driver wants to feel like their employer values their safety above anything else. In a career as potentially dangerous as truck driving, drivers want to feel like their employer always has their best interests in mind.  


Safety begins from day one, by conducting proper training programs during orientation and beyond. Safety regulations and protocol should be clear, accessible, and always up to date. Make sure your drivers understand the hours-of-service regulations, as well as the importance of quality rest and break time.  


Today’s CDL drivers are also making clear that mental health is just as important as physical health. In fact, a 2018 study appearing in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that the prevalence of depression in truck drivers is 13.6%, nearly double the rate found in the American public.  


There are many ways to prioritize and protect your drivers’ mental health, including providing mentor programs, online resources, and company counselors. By putting your drivers’ health first, you will show your dedication to being a driver-centric company, and your commitment to the well-being of every employee.  



By demonstrating your commitment to addressing CDL drivers’ top concerns, you will boost your recruitment efforts, decrease turnover rates, and foster a positive working environment. 


If you’re looking for more advice on bolstering your driver recruiting and retaining efforts, be sure to check out our Employer Blog, or follow us on social media 

When recruiting CDL drivers in today’s highly competitive market, it’s important to make every minute count. From the initial review of an application to the end of the onboarding and driver orientation processes, being efficient and effective with your time will save you money and maximize your success in hiring and retaining quality drivers.  


There are many tips and tricks to streamline the hiring process and ensure the best experience for each candidate, from start to finish. Keep reading to learn how to integrate this advice into your recruiting efforts, and you might be surprised by how quickly you see results! 


Creating the Best Candidate Experience 

Although a streamlined hiring process will save your company time and money, your goal should still always be centered around providing the best experience for every applicant. If a driver feels valued and supported from day one, they are much more likely to continue through the hiring process and become a committed employee. 


Develop a strategy for hiring that takes into account each driver’s unique background while ensuring every candidate receives the same level of attention and support. Having a strategy in place will also help keep everyone in the hiring department on the same page, so candidates don’t have to repeat information or parts of the process.  


The first step in any hiring strategy should be connecting with a candidate as soon as they express interest. The longer a driver waits, the higher the chance that they will find another opportunity with a different carrier. Make sure that each candidate has the option to provide multiple forms of contact on an application so they can be easily reached by phone call, text, or email.  


Frequent touchpoints are beneficial to display your commitment to a candidate and will help keep them in the loop. The first point of communication should act as a preliminary screening, where you explain job requirements, criteria, and clarify any questions the driver has. At the end of each communication, explain what the candidate can anticipate for the next steps, and when you’ll be in touch again.  


Internal Organization  

Setting expectations and maintaining communication with every member of the hiring team is essential to streamlining the hiring process. Drivers will quickly lose interest if they are unable to easily schedule interviews, submit important documents, or receive updates on their progress.  


Because a lot of today’s recruiting and hiring is now held remotely,  a clearly defined process, roles, and repsonsibilites across your organization will make the process smoother for everyone involved. When it comes to steps which require the coordination of multiple members of the hiring team, such as interviewing, planning ahead is a must.  


Make sure that interview appointments are widely available enough to provide flexibility for candidates, and that the scheduling process is easy and straightforward. It might help to block off a certain amount of time each week for hiring managers to conduct interviews, making it easier to count on regular availability and reduce scheduling conflicts.  


When speaking over the phone, you should aim to directly warm transfer candidates to the hiring manager to schedule interviews. This ensures that the candidate doesn’t have to repeat information, and demonstrates the commitment of the whole team to the hiring process. If direct connection is impossible, try creating a link where the candidate can schedule interviews themselves. CDL drivers are busy, so this allows them to check their availability and decide on their own time.  


It’s also important to always come prepared to every stage of the hiring process. Before speaking with a candidate, make sure to have all the information needed from the safety and insurance teams on minimum criteria for hiring. For example, if there is a strict age requirement for insurance purposes, it’s much better to be up front to drivers.  


Background Checks and Clearinghouse 

Since the start of the pandemic, the alcohol/drug clearinghouse and background check stage of the hiring process has often taken longer on average. Although wait times have been decreasing recently, it can still sometimes take up to two weeks to complete this important step.  


Although there isn’t anything you can do to speed up processing times, preparing ahead and maintaining organization will help you move as fast as possible. As soon as you know you’ll be moving forward with the candidate, make sure they’re registered and up to date with the clearinghouse.  


Since there are criteria in place to regulate truck driver hiring nationwide, it’s important to be mindful of what each driver needs to complete their file. Each time you touch base with a candidate, confirm what documents and information you have on record, and what you still require.  



Hiring CDL drivers is an extensive process, and as a recruiter, this makes your time very valuable. However, it’s also important to remember that any time invested in a quality candidate is time well spent, even if the match isn’t perfect at the time.  


If there is a certain requirement an otherwise perfect candidate doesn’t meet, such as minimum age or experience level, be sure to keep in contact with them periodically through email or social media, until a spot has opened up or they meet the hiring criteria. 


For more advice on the hiring process and how to recruit and retain quality drivers, be sure to check out our Employer Blog, or follow us on social media! 

A good relationship between a driver and a recruiter is the cornerstone to every successful carrier. Like all relationships, communication, consistency, and honesty are key to maintaining longevity.  


Touchpoints provide an essential line of communication between potential candidates and recruiters, making the recruiting process easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved. Whether or not you realize it, recruiters everywhere use touchpoints each day to advertise job listings, reach out to candidates, and check in with recent hires.  


Keep reading for all you need to know about the importance of providing creative and innovative touchpoints throughout the entire recruitment process and the best practices to increase your driver retention and satisfaction rates.  


What Exactly Are Touchpoints? 

You’ve probably seen this term before, and it’s definitely already a part of your daily routine as a recruiter. However, in today’s highly competitive market, the methods and channels available are always evolving 


There are three core types of touchpoints: online, offline, and personal. An effective recruiter utilizes all three, maintaining constant communication with potential candidates and new hires without inundating them with information.  


A touchpoint is any form of contact you make with a potential candidate, and today, a lot of that occurs digitally. With the ongoing driver shortage, drivers are constantly receiving job opportunities through social media, digital job boards, and email. Online touchpoints offer an instant channel of communication that is accessible to drivers no matter where they are.  


Offline touchpoints might sometimes be considered “old-fashioned,” but they’re just as important today as they were twenty years ago. Flyers, trucks branded with a logo, and billboards can be effective to grab the attention of potential candidates who might be tired of checking their email, and are helpful for building brand awareness.  


Something that will never change is the importance of face-to-face interaction, or personal touchpoints. Driver referrals, job fairs, and personal phone calls are the best way for candidates to learn about company culture and job requirements, while giving you the chance to assess their needs and expectations.  


What Are the Key Elements of a Touchpoint? 

Nowadays, it’s no longer enough to simply post an advertisement or rely on word of mouth. Recruiting should be personalized and dynamic, offering a chance to build trust between driver and recruiter. Although the content of a touchpoint varies depending on the channel of communication, carrier’s needs, and stage of the recruiting process, there are key features to consider with every interaction.  


  • Build brand image: One of the most important roles that touchpoints play is increasing awareness of your company’s brand image. Engaging logos, online and offline marketing, and accessible advertising increases brand visibility and helps drivers to see your company as a brand they’d like to join.  
  • Provide insight: Each time you make contact with a potential candidate or new hire, be sure to include information on company culture or required qualifications. This ensures that you receive applications from qualified candidates who are more likely to be the right fit for your carrier.  
  • Personalization: The ease of digital communication often leads to impersonal messaging that could cause a candidate to seek out other carriers. After making the initial introduction, get to know a candidate and customize touchpoints to their specific needs or interests. Something as simple as including their name or following up with a phone call can go a long way! 
  • Online component: It’s important to always include an online component in every communication you make. Physical advertisements should include a link to your digital presence or social media, and be sure to follow up phone calls with a text or email.  
  • Call to action: After receiving your message, what is the action you want the driver to take? Drivers are often inundated with unnecessary touchpoints, distracting them from promising leads. Make your message stand out by clearly stating the next step for recruitment.  
  • Measurable results: Finally, it’s important to always track the progress of your interactions. Every communication with a potential candidate is part of your overall recruiting strategy, allowing you to monitor and evaluate what works and what needs to be improved. Every touchpoint should be recorded in your ATS or CRM so you can track where each driver is in the recruiting process.  


As a recruiter, clear and constant communication with drivers is paramount to the success of your company. The recruitment process doesn’t end on the first day of orientation, meaning that it’s important to touch base with drivers even after they’ve been hired to increase driver retention and ensure they feel supported with an open line of communication.  


If you want to learn more about modern driver recruiting strategies, or have tips of your own to share, reach out to us on social media or read more on Drive My Way’s recruiter blog