One of the best ways to learn about evolving industry trends and technologies, network with like minded professionals, and promote your company is by attending a trucking conference. There are many options to choose from throughout the year, each offering unique benefits for attendees.  


Most conferences take place over the course of a few days and can be a large investment of time and money. This means that it’s important to start planning early and discuss your options with your employer. Many 2024 conferences have already opened for registration, so it’s time to mark your calendars and start practicing your elevator pitch!  


One Last Conference in 2023 

Most conferences take place earlier in the year, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any happening this December. It might feel a little last minute, but registration for the 2023 Veteran Ready Summit is still open, providing you a great way to end the year on a productive note.  


2023 Veteran Ready Summit (Dec. 13-16, Washington D.C.) 

The goal of this annual conference is to bring together leaders from across the country to discuss, brainstorm, and learn more about creating a culture of support for veterans entering the trucking industry. Attendees will be able to network with experts in the field and receive the advice and tools necessary for creating military hiring programs while becoming a “veteran-ready” company.  


More information on the conference and how to register can be found here 


Conferences Happening in 2024 

There are many transportation conferences taking place in the new year, so get ahead of the game by planning which 2024 conferences you want to attend now. Below is a list of some of the largest conferences in the United States, listed in order of occurrence.  


Texas Transit Association State Conference, Expo, and Roadeo (March 15-20, San Antonio) 

This TTA conference offers a wide range of benefits, including informative speaker sessions, ample networking time, a full expo of venders and vehicles, and even the Texas State Roadeo competition which features 35 and 40 foot bus and cutaway/body-on-Chassis divisions as well as maintenance teams.  


Registration is not yet open, but space often sells out quickly so be sure to keep an eye on all conference news here 


Mid America Trucking Show (March 21-23, Louisville, KY) 

There’s a reason this conference’s tagline is “experience the entire industry.” With over 850 exhibitors, 58,000 attendees, and more than 40 featured events, this is a conference you definitely don’t want to miss. Best known for its extensive, interactive exhibit displays, the Mid America Trucking Show brings together the best of the best in the trucking industry to show that the future really is now.  


You can find more information on registration and how to become an exhibitor here 


Truckload Carriers Association Truckload Conference (March 23-26, Nashville) 

Join a crowd that’s likely to be more than 1,500 people next year at the annual Truckload Carriers Association conference. With an exhibitor hall featuring over 120 game changing products, this conference is a great way to meet industry experts and promote your company’s brand.  


Registration recently opened and space is sure to fill quickly, so be sure to check out more information here 


National Private Truck Council Annual Conference and Exhibition (April 21-23, Orlando, FL) 

NPTC is the national trade association dedicated exclusively to representing private motor carrier fleets. Join over 1,300 attendees and 185 exhibitors for a chance to network with and learn from other private fleet professionals. This annual conference features educational sessions led by top industry professionals, a world-class exhibit hall and 20+ workshops showcasing the latest, most innovative and best ideas in private fleet management.  


For more information and how to register for this year’s conferencee, click here. 


Safety, Security, and Human Resources National Conference (April 25-27, Phoenix, AZ) 

Hosted by the American Trucking Association, this is the only conference in the nation that features three main educational tracks focused on the latest in trucking safety, security and human resources. With over 450 attendees, the conference offers a chance to network and connect with colleagues while attending important educational sessions and a spacious exhibit hall.  


For more information on registration and what to expect at this year’s conference, click here 


2024 Walcott Truckers Jamboree (July 11-13, Walcott, Iowa)  

As one of the most fun celebrations of the trucking industry nationwide, this annual event put on by Iowa 80, the world’s largest truck stop, is a must-see. While it’s not a traditional conference, over 175 exhibits make this a great destination to discover innovative technologies and see how far the industry has come while perusing the antique truck display. There’s also an Iowa Pork Chop Cookout, live country music, and even a truck beauty contest! What more could you ask for? 


Admission and parking are free, but be sure to check out more information here 


American Trucking Associations Management Conference & Exhibition (Oct. 12-15, Nashville) 

The annual ATA Management Conference is the premier event bringing together industry leaders from across the nation to discuss and influence the future of commercial truck driving. Each year, this conference offers attendees a chance to learn about evolving industry trends, voice their opinions on legislation affecting commercial transportation, and experience the newest technologies at the expansive MCE exhibition hall.  


For more information on the ATA Management Conference and similar events, click here 


Accelerate! Conference & Expo (Nov. 5-8, Dallas, TX) 

Hosted by the Women In Trucking Association, this fast-growing conference offers an annual chance to learn more about current transportation and supply chain issues and how to create space for women and other underrepresented groups in the trucking industry. Featuring more than 70 educational sessions and an extensive exhibition hall, this unique conference provides all the tools for growth and success in this dynamic industry.

You can find more information on the 2024 conference and how to register here 




These are only some of the many conferences taking place across the nation in 2024. Local, regional, and national conferences all offer distinct opportunities to learn from like-minded individuals who are pushing the boundaries of the trucking industry each day.  


If there’s a conference you believe we left out, or if you want to learn more about other industry opportunities in 2024, be sure to reach out to us on social media or read more of our Employer Blog 

How satisfied are the drivers at your company? What about truck drivers nationwide?  


The answer to that question, and many others, can be found in Drive My Way’s 2023 Driver Happiness Report. Using data from the responses of over 500 professional truck drivers across the nation, we have analyzed driver satisfaction rates and the factors that affect them and compiled it into a downloadable PDF— and the results might surprise you.  


When asked if they were happy at their job, only 51% of drivers said yes. This result comes as a 3% decrease from our 2019 Happiness Report, when 54% of driver’s answered positively.  


While happy drivers are more likely to stay at their carrier, and three times more likely to refer others to their employer, drivers overall are nearly twice as likely to look for a new job than they were in 2019.  


The report isn’t just numbers, however. Drivers also made clear what employers can improve on to decrease turnover and increase retention rates. Compensation and communication topped the list, but there were plenty of other areas where drivers feel employers could step up to increase satisfaction.  


Interested in learning more about what these drivers had to say? Wondering what changes could differentiate you from your competition as we enter into 2024?  


To download Drive My Way’s Driver Happiness Report on the state of satisfaction among professional truck drivers in 2023, just click to this link and enter your email and company information.  


Drive My Way is a truck driver recruiting platform completely focused on drivers and their needs. We match company drivers and owner operators with CDL jobs based on more than 20 personal lifestyle preferences. If you believe we could help you reach your recruiting and driver satisfaction goals, visit our employer platform here.  

Small businesses are the backbone of America and that goes for small freight carriers too. The trucking industry has become highly competitive, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for a small freight carrier to stand out against the big, corporate companies. In fact, smaller carriers have some unique capabilities that actually make them more attractive to handle certain shipping needs over a larger carrier.   

There are thousands of freight carriers throughout the U.S. As of April 2023, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) estimated that there are at least 750,000 active motor carriers that own or lease at least one tractor in the U.S. and 72.6% of the nation’s freight by weight is moved by trucks. With those statistics in mind, there is a lot of business available for both large and small carriers alike, depending on the shipping need.  

Unlike large carriers, small freight carriers offer some unique benefits making them a versatile option for companies looking to diversify their logistics options. Large carriers often boast the most equipment and biggest crew, but this also means their routes are often very tight and they prefer to pick up a new load as soon as one is dropped off. This lack of flexibility may not work for every company, which is where a small freight carrier can become a huge asset.  

To best differentiate yourself as a small freight carrier, it is important to realize that smaller carriers can fulfill key needs including being able to travel to smaller, more niche areas that larger carriers do not service. Small freight carriers can also add more flexibility to dense markets, as well as add support to a shipper’s base, increasing capacity and shortening lead time.  

Small freight carriers can set themselves up for success by ensuring that they have a solid team in place and creating a brand that companies want to hire for their shipping needs. Some ways to do this include:  

Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent: Running a successful freight carrier and standing out against the competition always involves having a solid team of drivers who exceed expectations. These days, carriers must not only hone their recruiting techniques to continually bring in new and experienced talent, but they must have programs and incentives in place to retain drivers and build a solid team.  

Fostering Good Relationships: To stand out against all the many carriers in the industry, you have to create a face for your brand and foster good relationships with your clients and employees alike. Successful brands have a strong social media presence, create mentoring programs for drivers, and stay in constant communication to ensure all client and employee needs are met.  

Refining Marketing and Hiring Practices: Ultimately, the best way to build your brand and differentiate your company from others in the industry is to refine your marketing and hiring practices. By showing consistency in all company messaging, you can build trust, give your company a recognizable face, and foster relationships with clients and employees that will last for years to come.  

At Drive My Way, we are dedicated to keeping carriers of all shapes and sizes informed about the best recruitment, marketing, and employment trends in the trucking industry.  

Truck driving is a career path that demands strength, resilience, and commitment to seeing a job through. A good driver can take pride in the work of a job well done, even during the long, quiet miles of the open road. The same skills are required of the courageous men and women who serve our country. However, for veterans who choose to become drivers, the transition from the armed forces to trucking can be a challenging one, especially when it comes to mental health. We spoke with David Pike, Director of Recruiting for NFI, who shared his story of life as a military veteran and ways he’s found support with the trucking industry. 

A Comrade in Arms 

David Pike’s professional journey began in the Marine Corps, where he worked until 1994. After working in an ammunition and explosives MOS for six years, Sergeant Pike was returning from the Western Pacific deployment when he learned there were opportunities to be assigned to recruiting duty stateside and in the local community. He took the opportunity and quickly fell in love with the rewarding feeling of how recruiting can change someone’s life. 


“Initially, in military recruiting, you’re selling the glory, honor, and reputation of the Marine Corps. That changed shortly after a young Marine I had recruited, returned home from boot camp and said, “Thank You”. Not sure at the time why gratitude was extended, “It later hit me that I had changed that Marine’s life and gave him an opportunity and hope for a better future.” Pike said. Later, Pike shared, “Changing someone’s life is powerful and should be taken with the highest level of responsibility in any profession, especially transportation,” and this is why he loves so much of what we do in recruiting. He later noted, “We truly and genuinely affect people’s lives.” 


In 1993, upon leaving the Marine Corps after almost 10 years, Sergeant Pike transitioned his recruiting skills into the transportation industry. That transition was not without hurdles, but his story is a testament to resilience and dedication. He stated that in the 30 years since joining the transportation world, he and his team fully embrace the concept of changing lives and not “filling seats.” Pike shared with us a few of his most passionate items relating to his profession; and being a veteran himself, it is obvious that is one area that he is championing within NFI. Veterans all too often need advocacy when coming to a new industry. Veterans speak the same language and understand each other’s stories, challenges, and armored front better than most.  

Supporting Drivers: Unseen Battles 

Stress is a real issue in the transportation industry. Professional drivers may be comfortable dealing with the challenges of the road, but veterans have other battles and challenges they may be dealing with that are unique. “Mental health battles are often left unseen and not addressed,” Pike states. He highlighted the unspoken realities of veterans transitioning from military to civilian life. He pointed out that, 


“As veterans, we are expected to blend seamlessly back into civilian life despite having put up a shield for years even while carrying emotional burdens, memories, and experiences that most people will never understand. In the service, especially if you have any position of leadership, you are taught to NEVER show weakness, show confidence to your troops.” 


As a veteran, professional drivers may be reluctant to share their experiences from their past, even if it’s negatively affecting their present work. However, as an employer, sometimes simply checking in on the well-being of your drivers, especially at the human level, can make all the difference. Pike shared a powerful story about the significance of prioritizing humanity and respect as a recruiting professional. He recounts an experience with an Iraq War veteran translator and now a professional driver, Mohammed. Mohammed showed classic traits of stress and being visibly strained.  


His transportation manager reached out and learned that he was struggling with a tremendous burden and was now financially responsible for his brother, sister, and mother. They relocated to the States after the Iraq War. Due to his new familial responsibilities and schedule, Mohammed’s manager engaged and helped find solutions that would work for both Mohammed and NFI. This provided him a more conducive schedule to allow time to address those burdens and challenges at home and remain with NFI. Pike states, “It is that level of human connectivity that is often forgotten in trucking” and one we agree needs to return. When carriers engage at a human level, everyone wins; carriers earn loyalty from their associates, associates feel appreciated, and all related items tend to fall in place. The human factor is something Pike emphasizes and is something that sets his employer, NFI Industries, apart from so many others in the industry.  

The Power of Understanding 

Truck drivers may not always talk about mental health, but it’s a subject that affects us all. Pike was very open with us about his mental health struggles and ongoing resolution. His journey serves as a reminder that we’re not alone in this. In his role as Director of Recruiting with NFI, Pike knows that veterans often emerge from service with emotional armor, and the industry has a role to play in helping them transition to civilian life successfully. He advocates for support that comes from trucking companies and from fellow drivers, especially those who are brothers in arms. 


“We, as an industry, have to recognize that every veteran is coming out with an armored up mentality around one’s own struggles. We have to learn how to help veterans tear that armor down and be more receptive. How do we provide the tools and resources? How do we open doors for those veterans to get the help and get the transitional needs when they’re uncomfortable discussing their challenges? Connecting at a human level is where we have to start.” 


As recruiters in the trucking industry, Pike emphasizes the personal and company-wide responsibility to appreciate the value veterans bring to work teams. Their resilience, discipline, and dedication are qualities that can greatly benefit our companies and industry. Furthermore, he argues that employers must create environments that encourage open discussions about mental health and provide support to veterans and anyone else who needs it. 


Knowing the value of veterans, NTI is asking companies about how they recruit and retain military veterans in trucking careers. The results of this survey will yield invaluable insights into one of the most important recruiting segments in trucking. Please take a few minutes to tell them about your company’s recruiting and retention practices via this survey (at this link). They want to hear from you! 


The trucking industry can be a place of opportunity, support, and growth for veterans, provided employers are willing to open doors and extend a welcome to them. Through education, support, and understanding, employers can create an industry where veterans thrive and their unique skills and experiences are celebrated. 


This year’s premier trucking industry event, the annual American Trucking Association’s Management Conference & Exhibition, was recently held at the Austin Convention Center in Texas.  


Taking place from October 14-17, the event included a myriad of sessions on top industry issues, panels with experts and industry leaders, and a 250,000-square-foot MCE Exhibit Hall that featured the newest and most innovative technologies and services for the trucking industry.  


If you didn’t get the chance to attend this year’s conference, or you’re just looking for a refresher on your jam packed experience, keep reading for Drive My Way’s rundown on the biggest takeaways and important moments from the 2023 ATA Management Conference & Exhibition.  


“The Rhythm of Change: Navigating the Future of Trucking” 

A common theme throughout the four day conference was the future direction of the trucking industry amid the current issues facing today’s driver’s and employers.   


“MCE is trucking’s foremost event for policy and strategy, bringing together trucking’s sharpest 

minds and most passionate supporters to tackle the top issues confronting our industry,” said ATA President & CEO, Chris Spear. “In the face of a turbulent economy, unworkable environmental mandates, pressing labor issues, and rampant lawsuit abuse, our industry is experiencing a number of defining challenges. By leveraging the immense talent within our industry and drawing on the knowledge of experts, we can emerge even stronger.” 


More than 3,100 leaders in the trucking industry, representing 790 companies from across North America, Europe, and Asia, spent their time at this year’s conference learning how to adapt to evolving trends, weighing in on regulatory policy and legislative issues, and networking to build industry wide connections.   


A variety of educational sessions and panels took place throughout the conference, each led by experts in the field who shed light on innovative strategies for continued success in the industry. An October 16 panel that included American Central Transport President and COO Phil Wilt, Prime Inc. Director of Operations Jim Guthrie and CarriersEdge President Mark Murrell was filled with important takeaways for those looking to increase driver retention and satisfaction.  


Murrell, co-founder of CarriersEdge and co-creator of the annual workplace recognition program Best Fleets to Drive For, explained that companies must offer more than competitive pay and benefits if they want to increase retention of quality drivers. Companies must also regularly seek driver feedback and actually act on it.  


“Everybody can put a survey out and say, ‘Tell us what you want! Tell us what you want! Tell us what you want!’” said Murrell. “But if [drivers] don’t see you actually doing something with that feedback, they start to get quiet. You’re highlighting the things you’re doing as a response to their feedback. You’re giving them an update on what’s happening. That’s a critical part.” 


However, Murrel made clear that competitive pay is still a key differentiating factor. Although the long standing industry-standard of orientation pay for drivers has been $100 a day, Murrel said that many fleets are now doubling or tripling that offer. With pay being a perennial top concern for drivers, knowing that some fleets offer as much as $500 per day of orientation is important to keep in mind when planning next quarter’s budget.  


Awards, Exhibits, and More! 

The ATA Management Conference is also a time to celebrate industry leaders and game changers who are constantly working to improve the field of trucking for everyone. For the second year in a row, the ATA recognized companies from across the nation with the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Change Leader Award for their efforts and commitments to ensuring their companies are places of tolerance and acceptance.  


This year, eight companies were recognized with the award: 


  • Believers Trucking 
  • Cargo Transporters Inc. 
  • Covenant Logistics 
  • Garner Trucking Inc. 
  • Knight-Swift Transportation 
  • Kodiak Robotics 
  • Pilot Flying J 
  • Werner Enterprises Inc. 


Each year, a major draw for many attendees is the MCE Exhibit Hall. This year’s 250,000 square-foot hall included over 200 companies offering the latest products, services, and technologies from the industry’s top manufacturers and suppliers. From truck parts to AI technology to banking and insurance services, the Exhibit Hall contained many tools that are sure to be essential to the future of the trucking industry.  


The conference also included an important election by the ATA board of directors to decide who would succeed former ATA chairman Dan Van Alstine, president and chief operating officer of Ruan Transportation Management Systems. On October 17, the board voted to elect Andrew Boyle, co-president of Boyle Transportation in Billerica, Mass. 


“It is a tremendous privilege to be chosen by my peers in the trucking industry to be ATA chairman,” Boyle said. “Being selected to serve the millions of hardworking men and women who make up this great industry is an incredible honor, and I’m excited to take on this challenge.” 



Every year, the ATA Management Conference & Exhibition proves to be the preeminent celebration of industry leaders and the birthplace of future trucking trends. The 2023 conference was no exception, offering attendees the opportunity to learn how to stay ahead of changes in the industry and build important connections that help to keep the world of commercial truck driving united and accessible for all.  


For more trucking updates and news, be sure to follow us on social media or stay tuned to our weekly blog, full of original content on the latest trucking trends and recruiting strategies.  

Truck driver recruiters have so many responsibilities, sometimes the job can feel overwhelming. Dealing with many moving parts and competing priorities, such as monitoring DOT and company standards, staying up to date with current marketing trends, and knowing where to look and how to screen for quality candidates, it’s important to focus your recruiting efforts and know what’s worth your time.  


Over the years, truck driver recruiting strategies have also changed greatly. It can be difficult to know what new technology or approach could save you hours of work and increase your reach to a larger pool of candidates, or what could just add more stress to your plate. Wondering how to focus your recruitment efforts and find efficient strategies that still yield effective, quality results? Keep reading for Drive My Way’s 3 key tips to make the most of your time as a driver recruiter.  


Know What’s Working, and Change What Isn’t  

One of the most important questions a recruiter should ask themselves often is what is the Return on Investment (ROI) of your efforts? This is the easiest way to tell on paper if a strategy is working, and it’s essential for analyzing expenses and creating a budget. Having measurable results is important for deciding which efforts you should continue, and which are wasting time and money.  


Looking at your metrics can help you narrow down your sources and determine which are the smartest investments for your carrier. It’s important to know which sources yield the highest quality candidates, instead of just the highest quantity.  The amount of candidates making it through the phases of the hiring process, driver turnover rate, and driving safety records are important success markers that reflect the quality of your candidate pool.  


Have an Evolving Strategy in Place 

Creating a concrete recruitment strategy to rely on is one of the best ways to alleviate stress in the day-to-day job tasks of a truck recruiter. How do you find candidates? What’s your pre-screening process? How do you measure how far along candidates are in the hiring process?  


Knowing the answers to these questions can also help you tell what parts of your job you need to focus your attention on, and which are running smoothly. If you’re facing trouble with something like driver application abandonment, prioritizing finding a solution will save you time down the road, and likely help out in other areas of the recruitment process.  


Touchpoints are also an important part of a good recruiting strategy, and will keep you feeling organized with your time and efforts. Touchpoints are any point of contact with potential candidates, and they help improve recruitment and retention by creating a personalized, effective experience for both sides. Having a strategy in place for when and how you make contact will save you time and make a difference in the quality of your recruiting efforts.  


Leave Room for Growth  

Finally, it’s important to look to the future. Creating goals and planning for future growth is a great way to ensure that you remain focused on what matters while building upon current success. Leave room for innovative ideas when creating your budget, while maintaining the strategies that are proven to work best.  


Planning for future needs also helps you when you run into unexpected problems. Strategies like creating a driver waitlist or considering hiring international drivers could help you manage peak hiring periods. Are you planning to add new regional locations? Are you expanding into new segments? If you have plans for growth on the horizon, you’ll need more drivers. Plan accordingly! One of the best ways to do this is to look at your carrier’s long-term strategy overall, so you can plan for where you’re headed.  




Here at Drive My Way we’re always looking to learn more about the best recruiting processes and hiring strategies. If you have any ideas for us, please reach out on our  social media so we can continue learning!  

It’s no secret that trucking is a tough career. With long hours spent on the road, many truckers deal with ongoing issues concerning fatigue, mental health problems, loneliness, and physical ailments. This level of exhaustion and stress can often lead to truck driver errors, as can inexperience, and driving under new conditions. Truck drivers are human beings, so some number of mistakes is to be expected, but often, poor driving habits and unsafe behaviors can land not only your drivers, but your company, in seriously hot water.  

Whether you have just onboarded new drivers to the team, or you are performing a yearly safety review with your seasoned drivers, it is important to go over the most common complaints made about drivers. This is an opportunity to discuss concerns raised by other drivers on the road, as well as some general reminders about safety.  

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and/or Alcohol: While it should be common sense for drivers to avoid this type of behavior, it is incredibly common. This is especially true for drivers going across state lines, as every state has different drinking limits, and may have different limits specifically for those drivers operating under a CDL. Several states have also legalized marijuana making it readily available to drivers who are passing through on their trip. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Some of the effects of being impaired by marijuana that can affect driving include slowed reaction time and decision making, impaired coordination, and distorted perception.” Driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is incredibly dangerous and puts everyone’s life at risk. Reminding your team about your company’s policy on this type of behavior is important to ensure that your team is making good choices while on the road.  

Speeding: Speeding is one of the number one causes of accidents across all types of motor vehicles, but is especially serious for truck drivers. Speeding in a large truck is dangerous for all people on the road, especially if there are adverse driving or weather conditions. In addition, excessive speeding violations can result in a revoked CDL.  

Driving While Drowsy: Long hours on the road can make even the best truck drivers unable to perform their jobs properly. Exhaustion can lead to impaired judgment, reduce reaction times, cause forgetfulness, cause drivers to lose track of blind spots, and even lead to falling asleep behind the wheel. To ensure your drivers do not drive while they are drowsy, it is vital to make sure their schedule leaves plenty of room for rest and regular breaks.  

Failing to Secure a Load Properly: Whether it is the driver’s job, or someone at the dock, drivers are ultimately responsible for making sure their load is secured, whether it is inside a trailer or cargo on a flatbed. A loose load inside a trailer can result in sudden shifts in weight and can cause a driver to lose control of the truck, potentially resulting in a jackknife. Loose cargo on a flatbed can fly off into traffic and cause serious problems for other drivers including serious injuries and accidents. To avoid issues with unsecure loads, remind drivers to check their loads as part of their pre-trip inspection.  

Driving Aggressively: Incidents of road rage are common amongst all drivers, especially ones who are driving tired. The last thing you want is for your team of drivers to feel so stressed out or under pressure that their driving behavior turns aggressive. It is important to discuss this with your team and provide them with resources to handle any issues they may be having on the road.  

While there are other common truck driver errors, these ones come up regularly, so it is important to review them with your team and ensure everyone has the tools and resources necessary to be successful at their job and avoid any issues.  

Follow Drive My Way’s blog for more tips and resources to help your team of drivers see the most success possible out on the road.

With over 750,000 active trucking companies in the U.S., according to the American Trucking Associations (ATA), there is a lot of pressure to offer unique benefits to attract top tier, quality drivers. One benefit that more carriers are offering is paid CDL training. Paid CDL training is a distinct way to differentiate yourself from other carriers and stand out to new drivers who are interested in a career in truck driving.  

What Is Paid CDL Training?  

Paid CDL training is a program adopted by a freight carrier to pay for drivers’ initial training and CDL certification, in exchange for some commitment to the company following the conclusion of the program. Generally, most carriers require a minimum of 6 months and up to several years commitment if a driver engages in their paid CDL training. Some companies offer the paid CDL training in-house, whereas some pay for the training through a third-party training program.  

When offering paid CDL training it is important to clarify whether the company will cover the costs of the training, or if the driver will be expected to reimburse the company through paycheck deductions once hired. Many drivers will not understand the difference coming in, so it is vital that this information is provided upfront.  

What Are the Benefits of Offering Paid CDL Training? 

Most carriers that offer paid CDL training find it to be extremely beneficial in building a strong team of drivers. Companies that have a large fleet generally gravitate towards company paid CDL training as it ensures a pool of available candidates, eager to begin their career in trucking and ready to get on the road as soon as they graduate.  

Paid CDL training is not only a great tool for recruitment, but it can be seen as a huge benefit to many new truck drivers who are not sure where to begin their career in trucking. Many enjoy the prospect of knowing they will have a job immediately upon graduation and having guidance through the process of attaining their CDL.  

Carriers That Are Helping to Pay for CDL Endorsements 

Carriers that help pay for CDL endorsements often find that their retention rate increases, as does company morale. Offering beneficial programs like paid training show prospective and current employees how much the company cares about building a successful team and keeping them around for the long haul.  

There are many carriers offering to pay for CDL endorsements including, but not limited to:  

  • Sysco Asian Foods 
  • Swift Transportation  
  • Maverick Transportation  
  • XPO Logistics  
  • C.R. England Global Transporation  

Offering paid CDL training has several pros and cons but could ultimately be a solid strategy for ensuring your team has an ongoing influx of experienced drivers coming onboard after receiving their CDL endorsements. For more tips on the best recruiting and retention practices in trucking, make sure to check out our blog.  


What would you do to have access to hundreds of drivers, each with over 10 years of experience? 


That’s the question Chad Hendricks, President of Experienced Associates and host of the Recruit and Retain podcast, often asks recruiters before sharing with them the benefits of hiring international drivers. 

Programs such as Experienced Associates, which is based in Green Bay, WI, but partners with drivers in South Africa, offers an opportunity for American companies to create a diversified talent pipeline while providing international drivers a path towards U.S. citizenship. Keep reading to find out why international truck drivers could be the solution to your recruiting and retention problems.  


“The True OTR Driver That We’re All Looking For” 

In today’s market, it can be difficult to overcome high turnover rates, insurance company requirements, and the growing trend of drivers preferring local jobs. For Hendricks, international drivers bridge these gaps while benefiting everyone involved.  


“What we mean by experienced drivers is that these kinds of drivers have diesel in the blood,” says Hendricks. “They’ve been in this industry for a long time. They know what it means to work hard in transportation and that they could be on the road for weeks at a time. The true OTR driver that we’re all looking for.”  


Every international driver partnering with Experienced Associates must have at least a decade of trucking experience, a U.S. CDL, and conversational fluency at reading, writing, and speaking English. They also sign on for a minimum of three years of employment, although the position can be terminated at any time by the employer. The incentive of receiving a Visa through sponsorship assures that these drivers are committed, hard working, and vested in seeing the contract completed. 


Guaranteed Results 

Initially launched as a pilot program in collaboration with Schneider National, the immediate success of the partnership led to the development of Experienced Associates in 2018.  Co-founder Rob Peacock’s past experience as CEO of a company that assisted non-U.S. citizens with receiving educational training in the U.S. while driving for American companies proved key to Experienced Associate’s commitment to find quality drivers who are a right fit for U.S. carriers.  


Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, Peacock is able to administer an extensive vetting process for every driver recruited, which includes criminal background checks, hair follicle drug testing, and English language screening. Peacock’s team even handles compiling driver portfolios, which are presented to U.S. recruiters to make the final selection.  


Another component key to the success of programs like these is the varied experience of the drivers.  Being able to select from a large pool of candidates with a wide range of skills ensures that there is always a driver for the job, whether it requires experience hauling flatbed loads, hazardous materials, team driving, or more.  


“This is the first time I’ve felt that I could actually guarantee results,” says Hendricks. “I could guarantee experienced drivers, guarantee profitability and return on investment. These drivers weren’t quitting and causing hire turnover, and the hiring process became like a pipeline. It was predictable, and all the costs were known. To me, it felt like a dream come true.” 


Although some recruiters in the U.S. might be hesitant to offer positions to international drivers, companies like Experienced Associates design these programs with that in mind. Instead of disrupting the recruiting process, these opportunities fill gaps that could otherwise affect the economy, driver and freight shortages.  


Investing in innovation is more necessary than ever in today’s highly competitive market, and hiring experienced, international drivers is a surefire way to meet your recruiting and retention goals while fueling growth in your company.  


If you’re looking for more information on Experienced Associates or the work being done by Chad Hendricks and Rob Peacock, be sure to check out Hendricks’ Recruit and Retain podcast episode where the two discuss the benefits of hiring international drivers.  


Here at Drive My Way, we love to learn about innovative recruiting strategies and how to stay ahead of the curve. If you have recruiting advice, or you’re looking to learn more about our mission, check out our social media today!  


Every carrier has their own approach to recruiting and hiring truck drivers, but in today’s competitive market, it is important to remain open to fresh ideas and unique approaches. One concept that has become popular amongst carriers is the idea of waitlisting. When a company puts qualified truck driving candidates on a waitlist, they can maintain a pool of interested drivers, while balancing the company’s current needs and budget. Creating a truck driver waitlist has several pros, very few cons, but overall, it is a potentially game-changing tool for your carrier’s recruiting department.  

Why Should You Consider a Driver Orientation Waitlist?  

The waitlist concept allows companies to make offers to drivers they are interested in, but extend those start dates as much as three months out. By interviewing people and going through the whole hiring process, even though they are waiting on open trucks or budget, drivers would still have a start date in mind, and you wouldn’t have to worry about finding qualified drivers once you are able to officially bring new drivers onboard.  

A driver waitlist can help create efficiency within your recruiting department by developing a clear order of operations, from posting a job to the driver’s official start date.  

Your company can also increase its likelihood of building a strong waitlist by establishing yourself as a go-to carrier in the industry. By offering competitive benefits such as pay, time at home, as well as top-of-the-line equipment, drivers will be lining up to work for you, and will be open to being put on a waitlist just to have the chance to drive for your brand.  

The process of creating a waitlist allows your team to really get to know potential drivers; their wants, needs, and skillsets. This ensures a better working relationship between both parties and that all questions have been addressed prior to the driver getting out on the road. It’s also important to note that recruiters should stay in contact with waitlisted drivers and let them know where they are on the waitlist each week. The key to a successful waitlist is maintaining engagement with drivers.  

Some Drawbacks to the Waitlist Concept  

While having a waitlist of drivers is a great solution to temporary budget issues, trainer availability, or truck availability, it may not be a necessary tool year-round. Depending on the needs of your company, a waitlist may only come into play if you have a shortage of trucks or some other temporary hiring hindrance.  

While waitlists can help create a pipeline of qualified truck drivers, it does leave open the possibility of top talent finding another position and moving on before having the opportunity to start driving for you. This is why it is critical that you maintain frequent contact with the driver from the time you extend the offer until they begin orientation. It’s also a great practice to touch base again after orientation and throughout the year.  

Truck Driver Waitlisting in Practice 

“The waitlist was hugely successful for us! We ended up with approximately 150 drivers on the list. We were able to focus on the highest quality, safest drivers. We created driver scorecards (based on experience, number of jobs, number of accidents, and number of violations. From there, the drivers with the best scorecards were moved to the top of the list.” 

“There was something about telling drivers we were on a waitlist that seemed to create a greater sense of urgency for the drivers to join our team. We were also able to almost turn off our recruiting budget entirely! Our referrals increased, and we were able to retarget previous applicants to tell them to hurry up and reapply if they wanted to be added to our waitlist, said Sadie Church, Vice President of Driver Relations at Artur Express. 

“Another thing we implemented at this time was a driver profile form. In that form, we required the driver answer a series of questions about themselves — where do they prefer to run, where won’t they run, how often do they want to get home, how many miles do they wanted to run a week. This allowed us to see if we were a good fit for the driver’s wants and needs. If our needs didn’t align with the driver’s wants, we moved them off of the orientation waitlist. This allowed us the opportunity to truly recruit with retention in mind,” Church concluded. 

Start with a Plan 

If you’re considering going on a waitlist, make a plan. Create a driver scorecard and rank your applicants. If you don’t already use offer letters, create one. In the offer letter, tell candidates not only their pay, but the lanes they’ll be running and how often your company can get them home. Make it a requirement for drivers to sign and return the offer letter prior to confirming their position on the waitlist. This will ensure the driver is aware of how much they’ll be earning, what position/lane they’re signing up for, and how often your company can get them home. 

Make sure you’re fair to your recruiters. If you can only allow 10 drivers in orientation that week, make sure each recruiter has the opportunity to put a driver on the orientation schedule. 

You also want to make sure to publicize your waitlist. You can run ads stating you’re accepting applications to be added to a waitlist and generate a buzz, so you don’t lose momentum. 

Companies can still apply this concept of “waitlisting” even if they are not able to make hiring commitments. They can still build a pipeline of drivers by keeping their brand presence out there. Drive My Way offers a “cruising mode” which will keep job descriptions up even if the job is not currently open to continue building brand awareness. Concepts like the waitlist are a great way to stay creative about truck driver recruitment and keeping your brand top of mind for potential candidates.